Saturday, 5 December 2015

Speedy's Christmas Countdown December 5th!

Well hello there everybody it's day 5 of my countdown and I am so behind with catching up with everybunny,But on the plus side mummy has finished the decorations ,but yet to take more photo's but she will.So lets show some more pals starting with Lakia and Vaks all dress up for christmas...hehehe some how I don't think they were to happy about it....
And then Hoppy's mum sent in one of her tree and decorations to complete her entry so of course we want to see Hoppy again don't we?....

and then I got some more ecards which mummy is going to print of like she always does and put them on my door in the kitchen....oh and I got my first paper card too!
This is fromThe ATCAD
 These are Gizmo and Ebony
And Mummy Sabine and Hermann from the Wollsocken Paradies

Don't forget you have till Christmas Morning 5am UK time to email your photo's of your trees and decorations with you in them is possible at or you can post them on my Facebook event ,all photo's will be posted on both sites and remember my favourite 3 will win a surprise gift after the big day!


  1. Awwww... Hermann is so cute ! Purrs

  2. Cute cards! Mommy said we're not putting up our tree this year. Next year we'll be in a bigger house and will definitely put it up.

  3. I'll be sendin in a pic as soon as our tree goes up!

  4. OH MY GOODNESS, that bearded's Santa Bunny! HAHAHAHAHHAH

    I wish I had a bunster and also could send you a picture! Hmm...I saw reindeer yesterday in town! Can I send you Snowflake, the reindeer?

  5. So cute. Everyone's tree and decorations are so pretty.
    Sue B

  6. You're absolutely right about that "dressin up for Christmas LOL :)

  7. So many pawsum cardss you are getting Speedy! Mee sended you one thru thee mail ;) LadyMum had sum xtra stamps so mee was busy thee other nite ;)
    Ho ho ho!! Mew mew mew!!
    **nose bumpsss** Siddhartha Henry xXx
    Pee S.: Ebony an Gizmo are berry cool bunnies!


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