Thursday, 3 December 2015

Speedy's Christmas Countdown December 3rd

So the great news is mum got all the decorations out of the loft and started decorating the tree but I'm not allowed to show you cause she hasn't finished yet ,though it has to be said it's looking pretty good already.So it's time for the next entries for my countdown,first up we have Hoppy who is inspecting the fairy lights and was sent in by Mama Susan.....
and then we have my best buddy Angel Mick from 2 years ago before he got sick and crossed the rainbow bridge,these were sent in by his Mama Jade.....

and then The Love Buns sent this Card in,their Mama said they don't do decorations very well.....hehehe we buns can be a bit like that sometimes....
And I thought I would show you all the final photo's from the Christmas Fair mummy went to....

She even saw St Nicholas too!

Now don't forget you can send in your photo's of your decorations with you in them if possible if not no worries to or you can post them to my Facebook event ,don't worry all photo's posted of my FB event page will get posted here and Emailed entries will get posted there too.Oh before I forget you have till 5am Christmas morning UK time which is when mum gets up to get your entries in and remember my favourite 3 will win a surprise gift after the big day!


  1. HOPPY is a GOOD Inspector... and angel Mick really did have a super place fur enjoying the tree,didn't he?

    We hope that there are no SNOW FREAKS lurking about in the loft...

  2. Those were fun too Speedy! You're off to a good start on the photos this year.

  3. It is so nice to see everyone looking so festive!

  4. OH BOY! More goodness and cheer! Look at the happy lights, Speedy! And mum's visit to that special place, that is just spectacular and elegant! Wishing you peace tonight my friends.

  5. Such pretty pictures, S. Fairy lights are awesome. So is the Christmas fair!

    Love and licks,

  6. Bunny-proofing around the Christmas tree....I guess that's a necessity but I never thought of it until seeing these photos.

  7. Aw I like Hoppy - looks so much like our dear departed Zoey!!!

    (I guess I better get a list made?)

    1. Yep just make sure you've been good and Don't forget your snickers,xx Speedy

  8. Why does every bun call me "scrooge"?

  9. Looking good, Speedy and all your Christmas helpers!

  10. ...oh I can't wait to see my new christmas tree... and I hope my mom will buy one.. now... it's high time... or is the christmas tree countdown open till easter? LOL

  11. Oh you lucky bun, you've got a tree for Christmas. I think mom and dad don't want to put up a tree this year, cause they aren't home Christmas Eve.

  12. Beautiful again my friend - :) XOXO - Bacon

  13. Very beautiful!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  14. **pawss a teer frum mee eye** Mistur Mick...mee missess him still Speedy! Wish wee wood have had more time to bee furendss....
    An Hoppy iss adoor-abull...
    Thee treess Aunty saw are quite majestic aren't they??? Mee-yow!!
    **paw patsss** Siddhartha Henry xxx


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