Thursday, 31 December 2015

And the Winners Of My Christmas Countdown Are..........

The Day is finally here....I have chosen my 3 winners of my Christmas Countdown.It was so hard to pick out my 3 but the day has come,so without a further a do the 3 winners are.....

In 3rd Place its.....Nellie The Cat From Hell herself with her very own tree and train....

In 2nd place its Camilla and Sweeney from Collected Moments-Bunnies on Facebook

But in 1st place it could only be The Cat on My Head.......and their amazing Christmas House!

 The Winners need to email Mummy at with their Address so the prizes can be sent out.

But all of you who entered my Countdown you are all winners so here is an award for you all ....

Have Fun Seeing the New year in,Stay Safe with the fireworks displays and I'll see you all tomorrow!


  1. awwh, sweet Nellie won! your three choices are so good! what a beautiful tree and home!! Congrats!!
    Lee in Texas

  2. Congratulations to the kitties at the Cat On My Head - their tree is truly something special!

  3. YEAH for the winners! Oh Speedy, I love my CARD! I was just having fun playing the balloon popping game on the card. I WON two rounds! teeheheheheheehhe

    Have a sensational day sweet friends.

  4. Conpigulations - these were all so wonderful and special to see every day. Thanks Speedy for doing this! Happy New Year. XOXO - Bacon

  5. It will take them six months to dismantle that stuff and the next six months to get the house ready for 2016 holidays.

  6. Your Christmas Countdown was so fun to follow ! Concatulations to the winners ! Best wishes for 2016 and Happy Mew Year ! Purrs

  7. Congratulations to the winners and happy New Year!

  8. You sure had a fun bunch of participants Speedy! Happy New Year from all of us!

  9. Wow, your countdown was such fun! Congrats to the big winners and thanks for hosting this fur us. Happy 2016!
    Grr and a Happy Woof,
    Sarge, Party Animal

  10. Speedy, We cannot believe we won. Our mom is crazy about decorating, but with Fiona sick this year, she didn't even finish it! Thank you so much for choosing us. We can't wait to tell everybody. Sending you all our best wishes for a wonderful new year. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo and love from Mom Janet

  11. CONGRATULATIONS to the WINNERS..... they were EACH PAWFECT Choices...
    Three of our FAVORITES this year Speedy.

    WE would like to Wish YOU and your Peeps a very HAPPY HOPPY NEW YEAR

  12. conga ratz two all de winnerz & dood...A most happee healthee new yeer two ewe and, heerz two an emperor bream......hillstreet loach.....kinda week oh end !!! ♥♥♥

  13. Congrats to all the winners.
    Sue B

  14. Congrats to the winners! Another great Christmas countdown, Speedy. Next year, we'll make sure to enter. Happy New Year!

  15. Excellent choices for the winners. We enjoyed seeing all the entries for you Christmas Countdown.

  16. Conkatss to all thee winners!!
    Happy Mew Year to ALL!!
    ***paw patsss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxx an ((hugs)) LadyMum

  17. Congratulations to all of the winners! They have amazing Christmas decorations.

  18. Yay!!! Congrats!!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  19. Wow, so wonderful! Congrats to the winners and best wishes to all!

  20. What fantastic entries!!! I'm definitely going to enter next year!

  21. Wow,, just WOW they they amazing ALL of them! I thoght our tree was our best ever but these..... wooHooo Well done everyone!


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