Sunday, 1 November 2015

Halloween Selfie

This Was taken Yesterday on Halloween,we had a very warm day,it went up to 18 deg celcius.Mum said she can't remember Halloween being so warm before.It's like summer has come back.Mum said the forecast is warm and sunny till midweek then its turning unsettled again.


  1. Nice selfie- I like your little foot.

  2. Great sunny selfie Speedy! Hope you all have a great Easy!
    Marty and the Gang

  3. Spooky Speedy, tell Mummy that we too are having a warm November 1! What are we going to do little one, with no snow? I hope winter comes just in enough measure to make it fun. HUGS to you little rabbit!

  4. Oh Speedy! It is so warm and lovely looking over there, if mes had a tunnel, mes would bes over there in a trice to cuddles and warms up with yous!

  5. Mew mew mew were you givin thee 'paws up' to thee weather Speedy??? It iss sort warm here butt so windy an last nite it rained like 'katss an doggiess' fallin frum thee sky!!! Wee not see many kidletss out at all fur hallowe'en....
    LadyMum went out with Aunty Sheila to "Rocky Horr-roar Show" an shee had a blast; came home singin' Let'ss do thee Time Warp again!" Mee has NO idea what shee was singin about butt mee iss happy to see her happy ;)
    Wishin you an Aunty Rachel an Unccle Nick a good week....
    **nose kissesss** Siddhartha Henry xXx

  6. Super cute selfie, Speedy. Mom says bunny toes are every bit as cute as kitty toes. Enjoy you good weather. Winter will be here too enough. Thanks for being a hopper and for hopping with us. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  7. We had a really warm Halloween too! It's supposed to cool off a bunch starting Monday, though.

  8. Wow, that is super warm! It was only 9C here or so, but they are calling for 17 C later this week, which is crazy for first week of November (but we will enjoy it!)

  9. That is such a nice selfie, Speedy. We had a very chilly Halloween night, but it sure was a knockout gorgeous day today.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  10. It's dark outside and it's 26C here. C'mon over.

  11. It looks really nice out! Glad you didn't have to wear a costume! Love Dolly

  12. Cute selfie, Speedy! Our Halloween wasn't very warm and it rained a little bit. But today was really nice and it's supposed to be warmer this week.

  13. Speedy, it was unusually warm here too for Halloween. Interesting selfie today. You're showing off your foot, but also the top of your fuzzy head. It looks very plush and soft.

  14. It was about 12C here too, but furry windy!
    Love your selfie!

  15. I love it my friend. Hope you had a most excellent Halloween. XOXO - Bacon

  16. It's been great weather here too, but foggy in the night! But that doesn't stop the stoopid fireworks though!!

  17. Like you Speedy I am having some nice Autumn days with warm sunshine. The brutal cold will be here before we know it. Enjoy Autumn while it last.
    Thanks for being a friend
    Sweet William The Scot.

  18. You can come here - 50 F and sunny .. nice for running around!

  19. We have Summer too, Speedy and it is almost Christmas. Can you imagine a Christmastree in Summer? The weather is very unpredictable, but we are happy we still can join the sun. Same as you. Lovely Selfie of your paws :D Pawkisses :) <3

  20. We had great weather for Halloween as well!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  21. C18? That's almost swimming pool weather we hope you enjoyed it!


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