Sunday, 11 October 2015

Sunday Selfie's

Hello every one I have to say sorry for not being around much this last week and not posting but I do have a good reason.You see after my Birthday Mum took me on a road trip ....just a little one but that meant we weren't home for a few days and didn't always have access to the interweb much except through her phone.But we are back now so hopefully normal service can resume....hehehe.So to start us off here are some selfies from that trip.
            "Oh Mum look at all the love space to play.....I smell Bunnies!"
            "Mum can I go and play now?"
           "Hehehehe this so much fun!And the Bunny mail is so exciting!"


  1. How exciting, Speedy! You are the only bunny I know who goes on trips like I do!

  2. have you ever met some of the wild bunnies while your walks? what would you do Speedy? and what would your wild cousins do? Have a super sunday!!!

  3. We hope you had a good road trip! Nice selfies today!

  4. WELCOME HOME little man! I bet you are loving your pram so mum can wheel you about anywhere you wish. YOU ARE SOOOOOOOO CUTE! Enjoy this fine autumn day, and yes, there are many rabbits in the copses so let mum take you on the lead and sniff away! They are waiting for you!

  5. Those are super wonderful selfies Speedy!

  6. Watch what you eat on a road trip.

  7. Wow, look at the beautiful green grass there, we bet it felt so good under your little paws. Did you find some good messages?

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  8. Great pics and it's so nice that you got to go travelling!

    Purrs xx
    Athena and Marie

  9. Have you ever seen a wild rabbit while you were out and about? I've never thought about it, but I'm sure they would be so jealous of you. ♥

  10. Grate selfiess Speedy!!! Yur new wheels are furabuluss!!!
    Glad you had a grate vaca!
    **nose bumpsss** Siddhartha Henry an (((HUGS))) LadyMum xxx

  11. Oh! how fun. Road trips are a great adventure. Hope you enjoyed your adventure.

  12. PepiSmartDog: gorgeous photos! You make a wonderful tour guide. :=o)

  13. Those are great selfies. Looks beautiful there.
    Sue B

  14. How fun, Speedy! It looks like you had a good time.

  15. Well you look stunning - but what else did you see?

  16. Speedy I LOVE the one where you are saying "Mum can I go and play now?" I want to reach out and cuddle you!!!

  17. Wow - that garden with the fountain looks so pretty! Lucky Bun getting to visit all the nice places!

  18. Speedy, wherever your trip took you, it is absolutely gorgeous. It looks as if you had a wonderful time, and we hope to see more of your adventure. Thanks for being part of our blog hop. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  19. Hey Speedy what a BEAUTIFUL garden area that is - I bet you'd like to run all over the place and see if you can track some other bunnies to meet!

    Hugs, Sammy

  20. You look absolutely beautiful my friend - absolutely! XOXO - Bacon

  21. That's a real beautiful garden Speedy. You are lucky.
    Did you meet wild bunnies ?

  22. Oh, Speedy, these pictures are so cute..what a great place to explore :) Pawkisses :) <3

  23. Oh Speedy how cute you got to go on a little outing! Love Dolly

  24. Those are selfies worth waiting for!

    Jean from Welcome to the Menagerie

  25. That looks like a green space full of lots of bunny adventures.

  26. Mom, Mom! Did you say I can have all those yellow flowers?


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