Thursday, 1 October 2015

Speedy's Movie Day!

Welcome to another Movie Day!We have a special selection today as it's the 1st of October,so get settled down with some snacks and let the show begin!

Starting with a revisit of some of my adventures this year

And as it is the 1st of October here's a little spooky for you!

Hehehe hope you had fun until next time,xx Speedy


  1. You always visit such pretty places, Speedy!

  2. Looks like you were taking a bath out there in the wilderness
    Lily & Edward

  3. Clap, clap, clap. Lovely highlights of your year.

  4. Aaaaaw How cute. Enjoy.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  5. dood....we think mum musta ed a ted yur horse feeldz mewvie coz we did knot see a one poneezz !!!! ☺☺☺

    heerz two a frigate mackerull kinda week oh end ♥♥♥

  6. Not scared. My peep says not to be. He grew up close to Sleepy Hollow and very close to Washington Irving's home (the author of "The Legend of SH").

  7. We sure love seeing you have fun Sir Speedy!

  8. Oooooo! I LOVES your movie day!!! I had Ma make me some poppycorn and everythings! Ma loves Sleepy Hollow! When she was a wee lass, Gma had the whole book on something called a VINYL RECORD. And Ma would listen to it all through October!
    Ruby ♥

  9. Speedy I hope the wood is not haunted... imagine the headless horseman would disappear there.... ooooh shivers...

  10. That was such a peaceful and sunny walk dear Speedy and then Mr Depp broke the peace in a dramatic way!!! LOL! I must rent that movie one day. I haven't seen it.

  11. It is such a joy to see you Speedy, you just don't even know how therapeutic it is to see your sweet little self. LOVE YOU!

  12. ooohhh cool! Loved your movies my sweet little friend! XOXO - Bacon

  13. The last video wouldn't let me view it in my "country" LOL! But I sure love the rest of them!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  14. Speedy, you are the coolest Rabbit I know!
    and I know a few rabbits.


  15. Note to self. MAKE MORE POPCORN next time!

  16. Pawtastick videoss' mee furend!!! Thee buttercups an daises are so purrty inn thee 2nd video Speedy.....Wee iss so happy you an Aunty Rachel can still go out on adventuress!!
    An "Sleepy Hollow" was purrty cool thee other nite! LadyMum sorta goess 'funny' when shee sees Ickybod Crane.....her eyes glaze over an shee babbless a lot ;) Mee finks shee likess him..........ALOT! Mew mew mew...
    Wishin yuss furabuluss weekend...
    ***paw patss*** Siddhartha Henry an (((hugs))) LadyMum xxxxx


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