
Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Pirate Party Info UPDATE!

Just an Update on my Pirate Party,I know you all have busy parents so to help you all out and so that you don't miss out on my party I am hosting my party on my Facebook page as well CLICK HERE.
The Party will be running Saturday and Sunday so all photos entered by email here and on Facebook will be entered in the Competition and Mum has agreed to update the party here with everyones photos throughout the weekend too and you can still send them in by email till 4pm UK time on Sunday to [email protected]. So you have no excuse to missing my Party!


  1. We've sent you our photo, and can't wait!

  2. We can't wait Speedy. Have a gweat day.

    Luv ya'

    Dezi and Lexi

  3. Woo Hoo!!!! LadyMum furinallee did mee foto with Purrincess Phoebe!!!! Mee was havin kat-nipshun fitss finkin shee wood not get it dun inn time1!!
    Whew now mee can breethee easy!
    ***nose bumpsss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxx

  4. Actually Sister Zoe stole my pirate hat so I am going to make her wear it. She isn't too happy about that, but we got a pic. Don't put her in the contest though, it isn't really a costume.

  5. Speedy, I have NEVER known a bunny who made as good a pirate as you.


  6. Shivver me timbers, Speedy. Keep it jumping! Keel haul the no shows!

  7. You look breathtaking, Captain Speedy...MOL :D Have a great pawty :) Pawkisses :) <3

  8. ARGGGG! We shall be following little pirate!

  9. Aharr me little cheeky bunny, I'll be there and I'm emailing my picture to mew right now, arrrrggggg! MOL

    Purrs Captain Basil Blasil Blackheart sailing The Crimson Revenge with Pilchard the Parrot xox

  10. you are such a doll to make it easy for all of us! Thank you for being so thoughtful!! xoxo

  11. We sent our photo in yesterday


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