Sunday, 14 June 2015

Sunday Selfie

Today we are posting Twice as my next post is a sad tribute to a pal of mine,but first here is my selfie.
            Speedy: "Mummy I am too sad to do a selfie"

Rachel: "I know Speedy I am too but we have to do this first before we can say goodbye to your friend"

We are going to busy this week as we have company coming but we will try to do some blogging where we can,xx Speedy


  1. Hugs to you Speedy... maybe to spend a week with your visitor cheers you up a little bit ...
    easy rider

  2. Hi Speedy ...I am so sorry your are sad. This is a very sweet selfie.

  3. I am so sorry you are sad Speedy ...

  4. You always do a great selfie Speedy.

  5. Speedy, it hurts our heart that you lost a friend, and you do look sad. We'll be keeping you in our thoughts as you grieve. Thanks for taking the time to do a selfie for us. It was very brave. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  6. Happy #sundayselfie
    Annabelle,Boo,Ping and Mr Jinx

  7. Paws up for hanging in there, Speedy - I am sorry about your friend.

  8. Mee mee-you Speedy mee furned you sure DO look sad in yur Sunday Selfie!!
    Wee iss sorry you losted a furend an wee will have to check out yur second bloggie. Pleeze know mee iss sendin all mee LUV an purrayerss to you an Lady Rachel...
    ***paw kissess*** Siddhartha Henry an (((huggiess))) LadyMum xxx

  9. Great selfie, and we're happy you posted twice.

  10. That's a nice selfie, Speedy. We're sorry about your furiend.

  11. Have a nice visit with your dad.

  12. Awww... :( Soft Pawkisses to make you feel better <3

  13. Happy Father's day to you too. Hope all of you have a wonderful day.


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