Thursday 23 April 2015

Speedy's Movie Day

Welcome to my Movie Day!only 2 videos today and a bunch of photos That I just had to share!Because today I got to got to the Beach.....that's right the beach!It was cloudy but I had so much fun!

So there you have it My First trip to a proper beach by the sea!Its a place called Blackpool Sands near Dartmouth and now the winter season has finished there so no dogs allowed!But its open to me!I even was able to go in the restaurant in my carrier so mum and dad could have a cup of tea!How cool is that?and I met my adoring Public....hehehehe.....


  1. Speedy, you're so lucky! I wish I could go in restaurants!

  2. It looks too cold and windy for this tropical bird.

  3. We are so jealous, Speedy - we have never even seen a beach, an ocean, a lake, a big pond:( We loved today's movies.

    Woos - Ciara and Lightning

  4. How fun that you got to go to the beach, Speedy! It looks like you had a great time!

  5. You are so lucky to go to the beach Speedy. Looks so pretty there.
    Sue B

  6. DOOD !!!! how total lee kewl iz thiz....veree happee for ewe that ya getted ta go two de beach !!! N it wuz nice ya getted ta go in with mum & dad while they had tea....though frank lee they shuld ordered ewe sum ...carrot cake !! ♥♥♥

  7. Now you are officially a proper beach bunny, Speedy! Well done! Looks like a ton of fun.

    Love and licks,

  8. Speedy did you touch the water?

  9. Oh wow!!! Lucky you!!!!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  10. Not many bunnies get to visit the beach Speedy! Hooray and also a restaurant! Well done and no dogs just bunnies! <3

  11. that's sadly always the case that dogs are not allowed... sigh... but no one is brave enough to say Captain Speedy is not allowed, right? And you left some pawprints there for me and all other banned doggies :o) PAWsome!
    easy rider

  12. A REAL BEACH BUNNY! A REAL ONE! Oh Speedy, this is an award-winner! And mummy, you tell her she is such a pretty lady! Now this I'd like to see.....a rabbit on the beach. And how sweet and loved you are in her arms....this is a tear-jerker! LOVE YOU!

  13. Speedy your sure do live up to your name!! I think you could outrun me.
    OMCs you were on the beach too

  14. It's so cool you got to visit the beach Speedy! I think I would like all that sand!

  15. You look like a pirate searching for your buried treasure! WAit! You ARE a pirate!

  16. Wow! Speedy! That looks like so much fun! Mes would loves to has been there!

  17. Speedy, what a good day you had hopping around the beach etc. Looks like you and the Mom had a great time. You all have a great week end.

  18. What a great movie!! We had so much fun watching! Happy Sunday, sweetie! Smooches, Roxy & Tigerlino <3


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