Thursday, 11 September 2014

Pirate Party to celebrate 12 months of being a Pirate!

August 15th 2013I had the surgery to remove my bad eye the one with Glaucoma.

Then on 14th September 2013 I had a pirate party to celebrate my recovery,well to celebrate the anniversary of me becoming the Pirate Capt'n I am.

I'm having a Party and as September 19th is International Talk like a Pirate Day that is when I am holding My Party!and there will be a giveaway for the Best Dressed Pirates so get your costumes out and your dates ,pals or family together and send in your photo's to me at by Thursday 18th September Midnight UK time so my mum can add them to the party post.
And Join me and My Date for an Pawsome Party!


  1. You are such a good Pirate, Speedy! I love you! Did you know that Prince Parker of the Fairy Castle Farm will be a Pirate soon, too? I figure the two of you could pillage some veggie fields! :)

  2. I am so glad that Speedy could be able to get through this !!!!. Brave bunny .
    Best wishes to Rachel & Speedy, Aquileana :)

  3. You are such a cool pirate Speedy :-)

  4. Ai Ai Captain :D You're the best! Pawkisses for lots of fun :)

  5. Pirate, why you are the top pirate of all Speedy.
    Sweet William The Scot

  6. Can't believe another year as sped by so fast. Mom will try to get at least a couple of us in costume and send the photos to you. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  7. You are the NICEST Pirate in the whole world, Speedy.

  8. Your pirate-versary is coming up! I can't wait for the party!

  9. We are going to try to participate. You are our favorite pirate Speedy!

  10. Oh, Speedy. Your poor eye! It looked awful and very painful.

    You have been a VERY brave bunny to come through that, and now be the cheeky funny bunny that you are now! You should be proud of yourself! <3 <3 <3

    Have fun, Speedy Bunny!

    BTW, did you know that September 19th is "International Talk-Like-A-Pirate Day"? And it's coming up soon! xx

    Martin x

  11. dood.....we hurt for ewe buddy....mega ow ...N we hasta sell a brate pie rats day... a day earl lee... coz de food gurl willna bee online that week oh end :(

  12. Aarrrrrgghhhh! Shiver me timbers Speedy!


  13. I am glad you made such a good recovery Speedy. You make a good pirate.

  14. Speedy your the best pirate. And so strong.
    Sue B

  15. I am finally home from WORK and now it's time to play with CAPT'N SPEEDBOAT! Oh my little friend, let's party down! Though I don't have any pets to dress up, I will still come and enjoy the show. I can't wait to see all the pirates and first mates! teeehehehee


  16. Aww Speedy so glad you are making a good recovery. You are the cutest bun bun we know! And also now the cutest pirate! :)

  17. I remember this, Speedy. I'm so glad you're doing so well and you recovered quickly. You're the best pirate, that's for sure!

  18. Wooohooowooooooo-ahrr-ahoywooowoooooooooo Speedy! :-)

  19. Yay A pirate party sounds super fun Speedy :) count us in :) loves Fozziemum xxx

  20. You'rea real pirate matey!
    Lily & Edward

  21. Ahoy Matey! We want to be pirates!!

  22. What a brilliant idea!!

  23. All the girlies luffs a pirate bunny
    Loves and licky kisses
    Princess Leah xxx

  24. Cap-n Speedy, lets have a great time being a pirate, see you then

    The Mad Scots

  25. aye aye Captain Speedy, I'm on board :o)

  26. OMP - awesome pawty my friend. I can't wait. You know I will so be there - with my pirate hat on!! XOXO - Bacon

  27. What a sweet pirate you are! Great idea for the party... I will be there for sure!

  28. So glad you are doing so well Speedy! Will get Mom to working on it ASAP! Marty

  29. Oh Speedy! What a celebration! This one eyed pirate will be celebrating with yous!!!
    Extra Special Kisses
    Your Gal Cat Pal

  30. Looking forward to this!

    Thank you for going to my birthday pawty. Kitty (((hugs)))!

  31. What an awesome idea! I can't wait so see all the photos!

  32. hello speedy its dennis the vizsla dog hay drink up me hearties yo ho yo ho!!! ok bye

  33. Woohoo, pawty time! Count me in, Speedy!! Love, Destiny xo

  34. Aw so sad I missed this Speedy. I'm running behind on my blog reading. It will be fun to see what everyone is wearing to the party though!

  35. Ya haz come such a l-o-n-g way Speedy n we iz so glad yer here wif us n we can pawty lie Pie-ratz!!!! YAH!!!!
    Let'z do binkiez n zoomiez too :)
    Lub Nylablue n Mum too xxxxxx

  36. I had a bunny mini lops it passed away yesterday from the same thing and no vets would see me or the emergency room �� lost my best friend how do they get that by the way mine had it in one eye her inside eye was getting small and it had bum like it was punch in the eye I brought her at a pet store �� I

    1. Very sorry to hear of your loss,but it sounds like there was more going on with the eye in your bunny than just glaucoma.but I don't understand why a vet or emergency vet would not see your bunny....very strange,xx Speedy and Rachel


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