
Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Disapproving Bun Day

It Wednesday and its time for the next star, say hello to Rose her mum has a you tube channel MsRamya7 
Next week you'll get to meet her sibling! Pretty girl isn't she?

Don't forget to send your photos of your bunnies,friends or families bunnies or even some of my wild cousins in to my Mum at [email protected]

And for More Disapproving Bunnies hop on over to Disapproving Bun

And to give you an update on Speedy,he has gone off his food a little so we are supporting him with critical care and are in contact with the vet for the next course of action.He is eating but not like he would normally,otherwise he is OK but we will let you know when we know more.


  1. I hope your appetite picks up Speedy. You look so cute in your harness. ♥

  2. I see that Rose is an adventurous bunny, going out to her bundom, just like you do, Speedy!

    As for the other photo: "You call this 'a meal', hoomin? Would YOU eat this? I Disapprove Of this meal, and of you for serving it to me! *THUMP!* "

  3. veree nice ta meet ewe rose... N speedy, we noe ewe iz diz a provin oh de vet... sew EAT sum foodz sew ya due knot hafta go bak ♥ oh kay...oh kay ♥

  4. That is a cute bun! Okay Speedy pal, chow time!

  5. Poor Speedy we so hope he finds his appetite back soon and is fit and in hopping mode before you know it. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    Best wishes Molly

  6. I'm sending purrs Speedy's way!

  7. Rosie is beautiful!
    So sorry your not doing so good Speedy!
    Sending you tons of sloppy husky kisses and ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  8. Hope you feel better soon, Speedy, buddy!!

  9. Dear Speedy.Try and eat, need to be a big strong pirate !We can't have mummy worrying.Get well!Love and hugsXXX

  10. Speedy we are sending you lots of good vibes
    Lily & Edward

  11. Sending purrs for you to start eating more Speedy.

  12. Hopes you gets better soon Speedy
    Sending you lots of over and licky kisses to makes you betters
    Princess Leah xxx

  13. Oh Rise is lovely indeed :) and those ears :) we hope Speedy that you get your appetite back friend..big hugs and loves Fozziemum xxxx

  14. POTP for Speedy and Mom is putting him in her prayers tonight. Rose is a very cute BunBun!
    Marty and the Gang

  15. Oh, Speedy! I'm so embarrassed! I had thought BOTH photos were of Rose!

    What a stoopid hoomin I am! *THUMP!*

    I hope your diarrhoea is clearing up and you're feeling a bit better.

    Stay healthy, Speedy! <3

  16. Captain Speedster! OK, you let us know little man, what is going on with you! Auntie Anita here.....late but here to see your sweet little friend and YOU! You are mighty sweet and beautiful, and we hope you are well.


  17. Rose is a beautiful girl... is she a cousin or a relative? can't wait to see her sibling :o)

  18. Rose, beautiful disapprover indeed :-)


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