Friday, 4 July 2014

Well what could go wrong did go wrong Hahahaha but you got to laugh!

Well Yesterday was the Blogpaws Hangout and what could go wrong did go wrong!Yep My Internet connection decided to crash and burn so they will be getting a tongue lash later today!so I used my back up which is to use my Smart phone as a hot spot but that was so slow I had trouble joining the hangout and was late I didn't know what the heck was going on and the signal kept dropping out at first it did end a bit better than it started but it wasn't great I was so nervous and was worry I was going to get cut off my brain kept going on a blank....Hahahaha but you got to laugh it off and put it down to experience.So to make up for that disaster I'm going to make a little video if you have any questions you want to ask me leave them in the comments bellow and I will use then for the video but in the mean time here is my disaster....hahaha.
I couldn't get Speedy on as the signal dropped out every time I moved too so here is an old one for you!

Don't forget to enter my ASPCA Give away close date is Tomorrow at Midnight UK time Click Here!


  1. Well dang that sucks! I went to watch it later as I missed it, but my sound hasn't been working today. Then I found that SOMEONE chewed my speaker cord... mischievous little rats!

  2. What a bummer that you had so many difficulties! Paws up for hanging in there, though!

    1. oh well better luck next time eh if there is one,xx Rachel

  3. What bad timing for your internet connection to misbehave! But we did get to see you on the video, even if you played peek-a-boo. Heehee!

  4. Oh Speed-eater of Craisins! I am sorry that mummy had problems with her internet! I would have loved to see her and YOU on this fun get-together! I so hope your internet can be fixed and also, for our Europe party starting on July18! But I loved seeing you nibble up your Craisins my sweet boy!

    Have a super Saturday you two!

    1. Hahaha Just one of those things Auntie Anita,xx Speedy

  5. That is such a shame that your internet chose then to crash. We have been having trouble with ours lately being extra slow.
    Well done for persevering though.

    1. I'm not surprised about yours either BT have been doing up grades to the system and lines and its cause a lot of faults,xx Rachel

  6. Oh dear. Isn't it always the way! Maybe you can message Mummy and whee can organise a little google hangout together? :)

    Nacho, Noah, Buddy & Basil

    1. That sounds like a great idea,I'll get mum on to it,xx Speedy

  7. I had planned on showing up but have never quite figured out that hangout thing.

  8. Speedy, did you nibble at the cable?
    We love gnawing on everything hehe.

    Greetings from your guinea pig friends Luna and Luigi!

  9. Awww... Sorry the Internet peeps were treatin' you so badly. They SHOULD KNOW that a bunny like you needs your connections workin' well, twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. MOUSES!

    Nissy #Niss4Senate

    1. Mummy gave them what for on the telephone telling them just that..hehehe,xx Speedy

  10. I am so sorry you have such internet troubles. I hope all goes well and they get it back and running.

  11. Doesn't that just figure!!!!!
    So sorry things didn't work out for you.
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  12. Oh, yes that has happened to me wityh skype several times...
    My problem is that sometimes the audio doen't work, so you feel really silly hehe...
    Hope the next time it doesn't happen, Rachel...

    Best wishes, Aquileana :)

    1. Thank you Aquileana,fingers crossed,xx Rachel


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