Saturday, 12 July 2014

The internet has been at it again!

Just a quick Post to let you all know that our Internet has been out a lot again the this week So We apologise again for not being able to stop by we will assuming it stays fixed this time,it's been awful just dribs and drabs most frustrating when you are halfway commenting on a blog and bam its down again.It has to be said I have felt like ripping it all out and giving it the old heave ho at times,I am getting some credit of my next bill but I would rather have it sorted once and for all with all the upgrades and work they are doing.
Just a little Heads up we are in for some fun adventures next week with Speedy and Bashful so stay tuned!
                                                             xxx Rachel


  1. Precious friends! We are having bad storms and the last storm knocked out power and the internet! I wish you well in your efforts to get this problem fixed - Speedy is bound for a European destination for our party, and I believe you and bashful are going for a ride on Speedboat's European tour!!!!

    Fingers crossed, everyone! XOXOXOX

    1. Must be something in the air again,seems a lot of people are getting problems,but we're good again...I hope,xx Rachel

  2. OH SPEEDY..... How WELL I remember the Upset and FRUSTRATION of an ISProvider... that was NOT PROVIDING Internet Service... consistantly...
    After 8 months of BEGGING to be FIXED... and Fixed RIGHT... we Finally gave up the SATELLITE and went with VERIZON... Now it is FAST and in over a FULL YEAR has only been OUT Once for 30 mins.. And the Bestest Pawt... Verizon is even CHEAPER.
    SO... we FEEL YOUR PAIN... HOPE IT GETS SORTED OUT>>> QUICKLY... And make SURE that they really do give you CREDIT for the OUTAGE TIME...

    1. Actually ours has been very good which is why we have stayed with them,but they have had some faults to fix and some upgrades that they have been doing too.but they have done the credit,just hope we have no more problems,xx Rachel

  3. Internet connection problems are so frustrating. We hope yours get sorted out soon.

  4. Oh good, we will be glad to see Bashful again. Sorry you are having so much trouble with the darn internet. Hope it is fixed for good this time. Have a great day.

    1. oh you're going to love it we have a suprise for the boys,fingers crossed its sorted now,xx Rachel

  5. You didn't nibble on the wires did you
    Lily & Edward

  6. I hate it when my router acts up because I just can't ever seem to fix it. After an hour of pushing buttons and reseting things, it will finally work. So annoying!

    1. yes we thought it might be that so we got a new one and it seemed better then bam off it when again,but it seems to be sorted now,xx Rachel

  7. Hope you get your internet sorted out. Ours has been so slow lately that we are thinking of changing ISP.

    1. BT have had some faults plus they have been doing upgrades to the line hope fully it should be ok,you might want to turn of you router then turn it on again it should be better then,xx Rachel

    2. I turn the router off every night but every day is just as bad. BT have brought fibre optic to the village and it stops at the end of our lane. Our speed has gone right down since then. I may have to move to BT. If you can't beat them, join them. It will come via the old copper wires from the village but should still be a lot faster with the FO the majority of the way.

  8. Oh goody...more Speedy and Bashful coming up! XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  9. Guud greef ya too Miss Rachel n Speedy?? Me n Mum haz had whacky sirvice n Interwebbernetz bin weerd here too. Plus our lappytop went into some osrt of pair-a-lized zone n Mum had to do soum fancey REESTORE haz werked so we haz bin able to get on here aftur 3 dayz of tearin da hair/furz out.
    We hopez yer PC stayz fixed n ourz too ;)
    Much lub to all of ya n Bashfull too...
    Lub Nylablue n Sherriellen Mum x0x0x0x0

    1. yep must be catching,hope we all have no more problems,love to you both,xx Rachel

  10. Those techy problems sure are a pain.

  11. Gosh I hopes your intermutts get fixed soon Speedy!!! We can'ts be without our Speedy!!!
    Maybe if you have your Moms use LOTS of swear words and have her wave her arms like a wild woman...that's what my Ma does. It doesn't help, butts it's fun to watch!!! bol
    Ruby ♥

    1. Hahaha Ruby lets just say they had an ear bashing,I didn't swear but I did give them hell,xx Rachel

  12. UGH!! That darn internet!!
    Can't wait till your adventure story!
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  13. Oh boy what a pain....we have had a lot of mobile hone and landline problems and wondering if it was connected to the huge meteor showers we never know..hope all gets back on line guys ..hugs and loves Bev xxx

  14. I sure do hope those Internet peeps get this sorted for you quickly. We had no Internet for the three and a half days when the power was out and it was awful! I missed my pals so much. Bet you're missin' yours, too.

    Nissy #Niss4Senate

  15. Sure hope it fixed now. That is so frustrating.
    Sue B

  16. Hope the interwebs start behaving themselves again soon!

  17. hello speedy its dennis the vizsla dog hay i am sorry yoo ar havving interwebs troubles it seems like it is never arownd wen yoo need it!!! stoopid seereez of toobs!!! ok bye


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