Thursday, 6 March 2014

sunshine award and Field of Flowers Award

from Nylablue and her mum
So the rules of the award are:
Thank the Blogger that gave it to you...Done
Pass it on to 10 more Blog friends,So Drum roll please......
Two French Bull Dogs Lily,Edward and Angel Benny, Trout talkin Tabbies , The Wiggles Worth Connection , Ruckus the Eskie , Sparkle the Designer Cat , Nerissa's Life my pal Nissy , Molly the Wally , Love is Owned by a Husky all the pack , Brian's Home , Katz and Other Tales.

And finally tell Ten things about my self....Hmmm this is tricky as you know so much about me....I think I will let mummy help with this one,
1:I love cuddling with mummy every morning before she gets up and every evening while she's watching tv in bed.
2:When I am cuddling in bed with mummy I always flop and roll up side down and fall fast asleep.
3:Mummy has me on a diet and I have lost about 1/2 a kilo...still have at least another 1/2 kilo to lose.
4:I love to run around with mummy upstairs during play time.
5:Daddy tries to sneek me extra treats when mummy isn't looking but always gets caught...hehe
6:Mummy loves Vampire Movies and tv programs.
7:Mummy to do creative things from cooking to card making to painting and more.
8:Mummy loves warm sunny days but hates cold wet ones.
9:Would love to have a rescue for Bunnies....if only she could afford it.
10:And Mummy says the only thing she dislikes is stupidity of the human race....hmm knot sure what she means about that...

and from Dog Daz just what we need after the terrible winter storms of rain here in the UK and Snow in the US.Thank you so much we love it.
So I shall Pass it on too:
Castle Crowns and Cottages , Crafty Green Poet , A Houseful of Rabbits , Travelling Cats , Savannah's Paw Tracks ,

this is for the Thoughtless Thursday Blog Hop hosted by Love is Owned by a Husky and Ruckus the Eskie.


  1. Congratulations on your award Speedy and well deserved. We are chuckling at daddy getting caught giving you treats. Sunny days are here and that should please mum. Have a tremendous Thursday.
    Best wishes Molly

    1. Hehehe dad always tries then gets scolded,xx Speedy

  2. Hi there Speedy, good job winning all those awards. Those are sure some nice ones. Thanks for visiting out blog. Hope you have a really fun day.

  3. Congrats to you Speedy on your awards :) I like to learn new things about blogging friends and their humans!!

  4. Congratulations Speedy. We never knew that buns sleep with their humans just like we cats. And on your back no less. That has to be so adorable! Purrs and paw-pats, Lily Olivia, Misty May, Mauricio, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  5. awesome facts about you my buddy! Congrats on your awards - you so deserve them!! XOXO - Bacon

  6. Oh my sweet and darling knes, this is so wonderful to learn more about you both!!!!!! Speedo boy, I csn just see you rolling around like a little cute! And thank you for this award! I do believe I am going to try and weave this award into my next post that I think will suit it perfectly! Much love to you all!

    1. Awww thanks Auntie Anita,can't wait to see,xx Speedy

  7. Ah shucks Speedy!!!! Thanks so much for thinking of us!!!!! You made us so happy today! I love getting awards!!!! Makes us feel all warm and fuzzy inside! Kinda like husky fur! hahaha!
    Your my most fav bunny in town!
    Great hearing things about you to!!!
    Have a PAWsome day my bunny pal!
    And thanks for linking up with us! Always happy to see you here!

    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at love is being owned by a husky

    1. Awww thanks Husky Pack made my day too,xx Speedy

  8. Congratulations on your awards, Speedy! Mommy agrees with your Mommy on #10. ;)

  9. Concatulations! And mes never thought about yous sleeping with your peoples...but it makes sense!

    1. Awww thanks Nellie ,I do love my cuddles,xx Speedy

  10. Speedy, you know that part about "the stupidity of the human race?" Well, you've been a very blessed bunny, and I wouldn't want Mummy to explain it to you, but why don't don't you say a little bunny prayer for us? I know it will help.

    1. Oh OK Auntie Jane but you just made mummy laugh so that must be good,xx Speedy

  11. Congratulations on your awards, Speedy!

  12. Yay speedy, congrats on your awards. You are such a winner. What a fun random fact about your mom and her vampire movies. Do they scare you when she watches them? haha Happy Thoughtless Thursday you two!

    1. Nah I love wathcing them to till I get sleepy then I snooze throught the rest,xx Speedy

  13. Congrats on the awards Speedy! I didn't know you were on a diet. Good luck with that! I'm sure you're not a fan.

    1. Hmm no but mummy say's I need to get back to being trim,xx Speedy

  14. Well done Speedy little mate, your gonna have to move to a bigger house to house them all. WELL DONE.
    Luv's Cat Flap Cavalier. I am just having some ice cream, want me to send you some over the hill ?
    LUV'S X

  15. Congrats on the awardies Speedy!!! Oh, and Ma has me on a diet too!! Pffft! I still have about 5lbs to loose! No funs. No extra treaties or anythings!! Torture!
    Anyhu, you thinks your Pops could sneak me some extra treaties??!
    Ruby ♥

    1. Hehehe may be he could I'll have a chat with him,xx Speedy

  16. conga ratz two ewe speedy on yur awardz N cash prizes...we appreciates ya givin uz a shout out two...

    de food serviss ladee izza pantz butt tho, N we iz knot a loud ta play along with awardz any mor.....

    N tell yur mum we agree with 10...and all sew tell yur mum de food serviss gurl agrees with 6...yur mum shuld watch de old dark shadows dvd 's !!!

    1. oh mum says thanks,and you're welcome,xx SPeedy

  17. Congrats on the nice awards Speedy and thanks for sharing with us and always spreading sunshine!

    1. we all need a little sunshine don't we? xx Speedy

  18. Congrats on your awards. Very pretty.
    Sue B

  19. Congrats on the awards Speedy. You certainly deserve it. Have a nice day.

  20. Congratulations on the new award, Speedy!

  21. Concats on your awards Speedy. It was nice to get out and enjoy a sunny day today.

  22. Congratulations for your awards Speedy.
    Seems that we have the same morning habit. The difference is ... I do it really early, around 5 am !

  23. Ya is da Sunshine in me Life Speedy! Phankz fer beein such a grrreat furend :)
    Lub Nylablue
    Pee ess: Conkatz on da other award! Ya rock Speedy!

  24. Speedy, I passed over the names so quickly to get to the ten things, I completely missed my name! Sorry - and thanks so much for passing the award to me!

  25. Oh, thank you, Speedy and Rachel! We are honored to receive an award from you guys. Hugs and nose rubs! Love, Meaghan and Scarlett


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