Sunday, 30 March 2014

Roll Up Roll Up for the biggest Fund Raiser Ever done in BlogVille!

Last week we asked you all to dig deep to help our friend Amy get to BlogPaws ,How ever Amy and her Family received some news and she has now had to pull out for family reasons,we can't tell you the full reason in order for Amy and her family can have some privacy.Our thoughts and Prayers are with Amy and her family at this time.However she did want us Mollie and my self to continue with the Auction and to give the proceeds to charity and good causes.

Amy wanted some funds to go to a Guinea pig sanctuary called " The Excellent Adventure Sanctuary " which Specialises in dental issues in Guinea Pigs,Then there is the The Rabbit Residence Sanctuary that we were trying to help with Amy's fund raiser too! But Why stop at 2 we thought why not make it a lucky Number so here is No.3 And that is our very own Nylablue that we all know and love, with all of her illnesses we thought we could give her some help too.

So This is the Challenge we have set to Make this the Biggest Fund Raiser in Blogville and for that we need you! First to go on the hunt and dig deep for some great lots for the Auction,second is to spread the word through Face Book and your own blogs and any other Social media communities you are part of ,and three then comeback and bid in the Auction to help raise lots of Dosh,Bucks and what ever to Help these three worthy cause's.....Cause 3 is a lucky Number Right?!!!
1: The Excellent Adventure Sanctuary
2: The Rabbit Residence Sanctuary
3: Our very own friend Nylablue

                                        So this is your Mission should you choose to accept!!!!
                                       Lets make this the biggest fund raiser in blogville together!
                The deadline has been extended till we can come up with enough lots for the Auction!


  1. What a great idea. Have a nice day.

  2. Good morning Sir Speedy and mum! You both work so hard to get the word out that creatures need good homes and loving care. It certainly takes a lot of energy to do so, and I wish you all success!

  3. We are so sorry to hear Amy is having problems, hugs from all of us.

  4. Aw that's so nice of you Speedy! Way to go! And I hope your friend is OK with whatever she is going through.
    ღ husky hugz ღ frum our pack at Love is being owned by a husky!

  5. What excellent places to help! This is a wonderful idea, Speedy! I'm sorry about Amy though.

  6. That is so wonderful to add Nylabue as one of the recipients. Mom promises some items very soon to add to the auction. I hope you can raise tons of $$. Enjoy your easy. XO, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. Aww thanks my wonderful kittie friends,xx Speedy

  7. Hope things work out for Amy. And all great causes to support with the auction.

  8. This sounds like a wonderful fund-raiser, for sure.


  9. Ma's is gonna go look for stuffs right now!
    Ruby ♥

  10. Oh! That is wonderful! Wes can helps Piggies, Bunnies and our Special Grrl Furrend Nyla Blue!

  11. Hey Speedy; I purromise to help get the word out for auction items...and I will dig into my Harry Potter storage closet to see if I have a little something to donate for auction. Mom Linda would have loved to see Miss Amy at BPs but family always comes first. paw pats, Savannah

  12. I will help spread the word!!!
    Have a pawsome day!

  13. Prayers for Amy and her family. That was really nice to want to help others.
    Sue B

  14. Speedy we do hope Amy and her family are ok..we send them our love and hope that they feel all the loves from the bloggie world..we have already had a chat to Miss Mollie :) hugs Fozziemum xx

    1. Aww thanks Fozzie mum,you're the best,xx Speedy

  15. Hurrah for the Excellent Adventure Sanctuary & the Rabbit Residence Sanctuary!! Both are fabulous places & yes I have heard of them, even way over here in Canada....
    Rachel & Speedy I am so humbled by your making Nylablue a part of this as a all are so kind hearted & generous & it touches my heart deeply.
    Nylablue is more or less stable. She is at 9 pounds & does not seem to be able to gain weight anymore. she eats well for 5 days & then picks for the next 2 until we go back to the Vet. So she is going every Tuesday.
    For those who do not know Nylablue she has Inflammatory Bowel Disease & Pancreatitis & Feline Herpes Virus. These are all chronic conditions so she requires alot of care & Vetting. Altho' she has come close to being put to sleep 3 times now, she rallied each time & improved. Her heart is strong so when she rallies the Vet does not want to attempt to PTS. Nylablue is a true fighter & I am blessed to have this beautiful kitty girl in my Life. Thank you again for all your love & support.
    Sincerely, Sherriellen & Nylablue

    1. You're so welcome ,love to you both,xx Speedy and Rachel

  16. aww.. bummer. I am sorry it isn't going to work out for either one of you, but the charities will totally appreciate it.

    1. Its just one of those things,but this will make up for it,xx Rachel

  17. Hi Speedy, I've got an error message after commenting, maybe is it possible to remove one comment, just in case I commented twice. I cross my paws for Amy and her family and I wish the best for all of them. I like the idea of the fund raiser and I like to help my bestest Nylablue.

  18. So sad to hear Amy is having troubles. I will also cross my paws that all will be well for her and her fambly soon.

  19. What a wonderful idea!!! This is great for all three great causes. XOXO - Bacon

  20. Sucks it didn't work out but those three will sure appreciate it indeed

  21. Speedboat! came over to give me bunny kisses?No wonder I felt a tickling sensation on my ear! All is well little man, but a blogger friend is kicking that old cancer in the bum, and I think she is winner 10-0. YEAH!

    Lots of squishy hugs, Auntie A.

  22. We are in Speedy. I found some cool cat toys that we can put in. Do you want photos or what? Let us know

  23. What a wonderful idea, great cause, and adorable babies! Thank you for what you do for these sweet babies!

  24. This is a brilliant idea! Can't wait to participate! XOXO Meaghan and Scarlett

  25. This is such a wonderful idea. I am myself trying to see if I can make it to the conference. Wish we could all just get sponsored and go!

  26. Oh, loads and loads of good wishes young Speedy for such a good cause.
    Luv's Cat Flap Cavalier

  27. how does the auction work?

    1. a post with all the Items will be done on Mollies blog every body leave a bid in the comments,its done over a couple of days and the wining bidders get notified with all the payment details then the person with the item ships the item once the payment has ben made,xx Speedy

  28. Efurrybuddy, please help all especially my kitty grilfurruend Nylabluewooowoooooooo! Ku of


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