Monday, 2 December 2013

December 2nd Christmas count down!

Here is today's entry to my Christmas Count down its from My Three Moggies staring Archie!
Don't forget to enter just send your Christmas Decorations photo's with you in them if possible to my mummy at no later than 10pm UK time on December 24th!
And here is another peek at my Christmas Home!
And I have some Christmas cards to hang on my play pen in the kitchen Already!

We are still praying for the power of paw for Gracie and her sisters and Brother Brian over at Brian's Home and Nylablue and her Mum Sherri-Ellen.

But Also I have Been asked to share this Appeal for a cute little Bunny called Fluffy who is poorly this is the link to read his story and help with donations if you can
Here are some Links about Petchance who are helping the owner raise funds for the Vet treatment  and


  1. What a cozy atmosphere :)

    Welcome to join my blog

  2. OMGoodness! Fluffy only needs about 38 dollars more to meet their vet payment goal!!!! I love pet people, especially rabbit people! Thank you for posting about Fluffy, Speedy and Rach!

    1. We had to answer the call Auntie Brandi,xx SPeedy

  3. Those are fine looking Christmas photos you have already! Yippee for helping Fluffy! Admiring purrs...

  4. You guys are so festive. Now we just can't be naughty anymore

  5. You are making Mommy reconsider her decision not to put up the Christmas tree this year...
    Fluffy looks so much like our Angel Looppy.

    1. Oh please put it up we so want to see it,xx Speedy

  6. It all looks so lovely. We have to get on our pictures! We are pulling for our friends and hope things get better very soon. xo

  7. I had a bunny once called Smudge..identical to fluffy, see, you didn't noze that..BOL.Just love the countdown Speedy, so Chriztmazey :) xxooxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

    1. Oh so thats why you like Bunnies too!thanks Mollie and Alfie,xx Speedy

  8. We really like your Christmas header and cage decs. Atchie is so cute surrounded by holiday decs. And efurrybuddy at Brian's house, especially Gracie, and our dear, sweet Nylablue are part of a 24/7 purr-a-thon the eight of us have going. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  9. Oh how ADORABLE! Lovely Christmas celebration with this fluff of love!

    I just sent you my picture Speedster! LOVE! Anita

  10. We love these decorations! We got our first Christmas card today...and we hope we get many more! :)

  11. Archie looks very comfy amongst the decorations. Your tree is very pretty.

  12. Archie is so adorable. Love your decorations too Speedy. So many sick animals. My thoughts are prayers are with them.
    Sue B

  13. I love your Christmas header. Archie sure is a cute Christmas kitty, and you are a cute Christmas bun with your decorations and cards!

  14. How wonderful your cards are Speedy..and how great that the poor bunny is closer to getting some vet help..the bloggie world is wonderful...i had bunnies when i was little ..i wold love to again but worry about snakes! we have many bunnies wild here..they can be a bit naughty ;) hugs Fozziemum xxxx

    1. Aww Thanks,what about a house bunny then you don't have to worry about the out side stuff,xx Speedy

    2. Would be great Speedy except for the four cats!! we will work out a special place that is safe and free from the elements when we get all our other fencing done..Bunnies are such fin characters :) hugs Fozziemum xxx

    3. yes we are,but you would be surprised how well bunnys can get on with cats,xx Speedy

  15. Archie looks nice with all that Christmas stuff! Finally got my tree up tonight. A brand new pre-lit one. Thank goodness because I hate doing lights! lol... Will decorate it tomorrow.

  16. Speedy! Your blog looks totally fabulous for the holiday! WOW.....and I see today you're celebrating the countdown with my buddy from My Three Moggies. Very festive.....Mom will see if she has a photo of me under our tree....I love being under it. Meanwhile, we are keeping our paws crossed for all the sick kitties we know - it's very sad at holiday time or ANY time.

    Holiday Kitty Hugs, Sammy

  17. aaww - beautiful my friend!! XOXO - Bacon

  18. Lovely decorations effurrywhere. Getting so excited of it all :) Pawkiss :)

  19. Archie iz just da BESTEST izn't he?? We iz gonna go bizit Fluffy'z blog soon as we finish here...we LUBZ Bunnehz so much!
    Me iz restin alot.
    Lub Nylalbue xx

    1. Yes he is ,keep resting my sweet furiend,xx Speedy


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