Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Christmas Count Down December 4th!

Its December 4th and the next post in my Christmas Count Down!
the Next entry is from Katsrus (Sue B) with her cats Charlie helping with the Decorations and Tubby(orange kitty) wanting to be a decoration...hehehe and they both are doing a grand job!
You can still enter my Christmas Count Down by Sending in your Photo's of your tree's and Decorations with your selves in the photo's to if you can manage it,if not that's OK too,send them to my mummy at by 10pm UK time on the 24th December
Here is another peek of my Christmas Home!

Today I was sent a special Mission from my furiend Dalton at  Wagg foods- Dalton's Doggie Diary that was to help with a survey about Rabbits,Guinea Pigs and Small furrie's and their owners So could any of you with Bunnies like me or Guinea Pig's or any Small furrie's please fill out his survey via this Link I shall be adding this through out my Christmas Count Down so if you forget  today you can still fill it out later,Thanks Pals,xx Speedy

Also My Friend Nylablue had a trip to the vet Yesterday as she has been a bit poorly which ended up being a spa day too.But she still needs the power of paw as does her mum Nylablue and Sherri-Ellen's Blog.They are both having a Rest day to recharge their Batteries.Also our Friends at Brian's Home Gracie,Brian and their Sisfurs Need the Power of paw to help them Keep getting Better too!


  1. Oh what a wonderful tree... I'm not sure if I really should post a picture of my ugly-jim-tree :o)

  2. Rember us again to send the photos of our tree , that will be a pleasure :)

    Welcome to my blog

  3. Peepers! Come see this.

    Just LOOK at all those pretty decorations everyone has up. And we don't even have our tree up never mind decorated. MOUSES! Peepers, you have just GOT to get with the program here. You're makin' me look bad. Again I say... MOUSES!

    Speedy, what can I do with my peep? She's practically useless!

    1. just keep nagging her and she will get there,xx Speedy

  4. Took the survey, Speedy. When/if I get the voucher, I will be happy to send it your way! Can't get that food here and I bet the shipping would be outrageous!
    Sending prayers for Nyla Blue and her mom, and Brian and his kinfurfolk, too!

    1. Aww thanks Auntie Brandi,I expect you're right,xxSpeedy

  5. Oh, also...ACH!!! TUBBY CAT!!! Get your tubby orange butt out of that tree!!!

  6. Speedy did our tree today and will send pic in the morning.
    Have a wonderful Wednesday.
    best wishes Molly

  7. Gotta get on the case as we have a few days off :) xxoxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  8. Oh I recognize Charlie! Your Christmas decorations look fantastic Rachel! I suppose a rat is a small furry so I will stop off and fill out the survey.

  9. Ok, I took the survey! :)

    I really love the last picture!

  10. Speedy your house is VERY pretty and so is the tree!


  11. Thank you for showing my kitties. They are always so helpful. LOL.
    Sue B

  12. Charlie and Tubby sure are cute with their Christmas decorations. Speedy, your home looks Christmas perfect!

  13. lol-I really had to HUNT for the orange kitty! I was seeing the little area that ended up being by his tail---missed HIS WHOLE BODY! haha...I had an orange kitty named Candy who was 33 pounds! The trees are really looking so nice! I am enjoying this. Tonight I stopped and looked at some neighborhood houses at their decorations...very nice and festive! Wish we could keep up these lights and decos all year---so pretty! I dont have any little animal for taking that survey..but hope you win!
    Lee in Texas

    1. I love this time of year too and would love to keep it all up,xx Rachel

  14. Oh but your site keeps us so in the sprit of the season!!!

  15. It looks very cosy and warm and Charlie looks like a good helper :) Pawkiss :)

  16. Charlie looks like a brilliant helper and well done on your mission agent S BOL!

  17. Well we like to help decorate our houses for the holidays - whether we're PART of the decorations or just snoopervising!!

    Kitty Hugs, Sammy

    1. That's what we are suposed to do right?xx Speedy

  18. I am so late here dearest ones! Oh that cat is having the time of his nine lives! And soon, so shall we. This is fun Sir Speedy! Much love to all, Auntie Anita!

    1. Hehehe you got here so that is ok,thanks Auntie Anita,xx Speedy

  19. Your very own tree to climb! How sweet of mom

  20. MOL Speedy dat Vet bizit waz sumfing else!!! Me still recoverin frum it!!! Went frum fast n furreeus to Spa Day in da blink of an eye...
    Me needz to do a bloggie bout it...
    Mum sayz da Winter display goez up den we sendz ya a photo ok???
    Lub Nylablue xxxx

    1. Glad that's over with but the spa part sounds nice,xx Speedy

  21. Very nice tree Speedy
    With all us furs Dad gave up on trees a few years ago as we busted the balls and pulled the tree down.
    Heh Heh

  22. Speedy all your Christmas decorations look so lovely! Me-Ommmmmm and Woooowooooos from Ku too!

  23. Charlie looks like our Lisbeth who likes to help more than any other kitty. She spealizes in garland and wreaths. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  24. What a lovely example of Ginger ninjas at work hehehe and your house looks so cosy Speedy..hugs to all from Fozziemum xx

  25. Love the pictures x


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