Sunday, 24 November 2013

Just a little Heads up on a forth coming Event!

Hi Every one!Boy Have I missed all of you my friends while I have been away at Grandma's,But I am Back now so I thought I would Give you a little heads Up!Some of you may remember last year I did a Christmas Count down which started on the 1st December,Well I'm Doing it Again and I shall launch it on on 1st December.There will Be Prize's too,so get your Humans to get their Tree's and decorations up and send in the Photo's to my Mum of you if possible with all your Christmas Tree's and Decorations,the aim is to try to have at least one entry posted each day with the last ones posted on Christmas day.I need the photo's by 10pm on Christmas Eve U.K time then I will pick three winners....Just like last year!The Winners will get an extra Christmas Present which I will send out after Christmas!
I already have my first entry to start with which I will post on the 1st December,so get Your Humans Busy with the Decorating and photo taking!
I Just Love this time of year!Here's a reminder of last years winners.
Last years 3rd place:MISAKI!

Last years 2nd Place: TWINKLE from Art in the wind!

Last years 1st Place winner ASHEY from Lalis and Nader in Bunderland
"And Mum isn't it time to get ours up?" Say's a cheeky Speedy!
"Next week Speedy...Don't worry we will be ready!"Replies Mum "Oh and I have to bake my Christmas Cake too Speedy"


  1. Speedy, I'm afraid that's a competition what I can't win. My staff is always lazy to put up the tree. My mom always says "next week" or "tomorrow" too and suddenly we have february and she thinks :"oh". But I try to do my best. Have a super sunday!

    1. may be this will give her the incentive to get it up this year Easy,xx Speedy

  2. This sounds very fun but I'm not putting up my tree this year - we are packing up the house in preparation for a move. But if I can capture more than one of the family I will send. Maybe instead of the doggies I'll put a tree in with the parakeets... that'll do the trick!

  3. Fun event! Great pictures from last year's winners.

  4. Speed ticket! tehehehehehe oh how I love to tease you my sweet Speedy boy!

    HELLO THERE! It is so good to have you back "home" in in Blogbunnyland!

    I want to join in on the fun. However, there is only a human on my end, no rabbits, no animals. Just a humans! But we are getting our home ready for the holidays and I want to join! I shall be back in a few days with a photo.

    In the mean time, FULL SPEED ahead! Anita

    1. Hehehe,of course you can join in that would be so cool Auntie Anita,xx Speedy

  5. Replies
    1. are you going to enter Lily?I reckon yours would be adorable too!xx Speedy

  6. That sounds like a fun competition Speedy. I will have to try and get my mum to put our tree up before Christmas. (She's hopeless!)
    Thank your mum for bringing back the sun with her, but ask her if she can bring some hot back next time as well.

    1. hehehe I know what you mean chilly isn't it!hope you can get you mum to do it,xx Speedy

  7. Bump, bump, bump indeed goes a fuzzy wuzzy little SPEEDRACER! Oh how lovely to see you and mum over at my blog! Having fun little one? I am! I am decorating and will join in!!! Love, Auntie Anita :)))

    1. Hehehe this is great news Auntie Anita,xx Speedy

  8. Eagerly looking forward to all the cute Christmas with pets photos!

  9. Eagerly looking forward to all the cute Christmas with pets photos!

  10. Glad to see you again Speedy! I remember this last year and thought it was lots of fun. Enjoyed everyone's photos. I always dread putting up the tree but will send you a picture whenever I get one!

  11. Yay Speedy's back! Oooh this looks like fun! Me-Ommmmm
    Zoe and Ku

  12. Oohhh... sounds super exciting. Can't wait!


  13. Oh great idea! But not sure if we are having a normal tree or just a twig or something! *glares at the human* MOL xx

  14. What fun! We'll make sure to have the mom send you a picture!

  15. Sounds like fun. Those are cute pictures.
    Sue C

  16. Yow iz gonna bug Mum to do our Winter display next weekend n den we send ya sum pix fer shure! We haz a tinee tree n many decorashunz...well ya will see it!
    Did ya nose dat German Jewish peeple used to put up a Chrissmess tree when day sellybrated Chanukkah....butt dey did not have Chrissmess....bery interestin....
    Anyhow we iz so gald ya iz back...we missed ya alot!
    Lub Nylablue n Sherriellen Mum xoxoxo

    1. oh I can't wait to see it Nylabue,and you're rihgt it is interesting,good to be home,xx Speedy

  17. always great to see the pictures! I have only decorated my OUTSIDE so far (I'll email you those pictures). I am now working on the inside...but my cats knocked over hurricane globes and glass is shattered all over the floor!!! so I had to go clean that up...and other chores I n eed to work on. Drats! I just want to have fun
    Happy Thanksgiving---at least people do not eat BUNNIES on TG!
    Lee in Texas

    1. hehehe it looks great lee,Happy thanksgiving,xx Speedy

  18. Sounds like fun! We will be pawticipating for sure!

  19. When the cake is ready, send us some for testing!

    1. hehehe mummy say's bake your own! but she will post photos,xx Speedy

  20. Ooooh! Fun!!! We haven't decorated yet, but when we do, we'll be sure to take pictures!
    ; ) Katie

  21. WoooHoooooo Chriztmaz games..wez bee entering Speedy xxooxxx

    Mollie and Alfie

  22. Christmas Cake? Did someone say "Christmas Cake?" Yahoo!

    1. yup I did a little late but it will be ready!xx Rachel

  23. I can't enter because we don't have a fluffy companion at the moment (unless i can entice the neighbour's adorable tabby kitten into the flat!)! Lovely idea for a Christmas competition though

  24. Does a decorated twig count??! I bets that's all I'm gonna see Speedy!! Ma sucks at decorating, and I'm lucky if I see a Christmas candle!! BOL
    Ruby ♥

    1. just give her lots of encourage ment and I'm sure it will look just fine,xx Speedy

  25. Speedy, we missed you! Welcome back! What fun. We remember this last year. We have to get going and then we'll send in a picture :-)

  26. Decorations going up second weekend in December :-)

  27. Oooooo what a great Christmas competition, I'll deffo have to enter, I think we're putting up our decorations on the 1st!!! Excited!!
    Love Milo :)

  28. We've got exams so we can't play but we'll visit!

    1. Good luck with the exams!but visiting is fun too,xx Speedy

  29. Replies
    1. Hehehe send you an email to see what we can come up with,xx Speedy

  30. We'll definitely enter! Our tree is going up this week so we should have lots of pictures!

  31. I don't know the rules, but i want to join. We don't have a tree but our wreath was up since oct 15, day after mom's bday. Will that do?

  32. Last year's winning photos are wonderful. We can't wait to see this year's entries. We will definitely be checking back everyday. Purrs and hugs, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

    1. its going to be hard to choose I think,xx Speedy


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