Sunday, 16 June 2013

Speedys treasure up for sale!

Hi Every one,we have decided to put Speedy's treasure up for sale to help fund his Glaucoma treatment as he has to have drops and pain killer to keep it comfortable and Speedy his happy self!
Product no:COIN1
Only one in stock
Sterling silver sixpence 1912 George 5th
Price:£12.00 plus postage

Product no:COIN2
Only one in stock
50% silver sixpence 1933 George 5th
Price:£6.00 plus postage

Product no:COIN3
Only one in stock
50% silver sixpence 1936 George 
Price:£6.00 plus postage

Product no:COIN4
Only one in stock
50% silver two shilling 1940 George 6th
Price:£5.00 plus postage

Product no:COIN5
only one in Stock
Ships Half penny 1939 George 6th
marked on edges
Price:£0.50 plus postage

For postage email me for a quote.


  1. Good luck with selling the treasure and funding Speedy's treatment!

  2. Did we miss something? Speedy has glaucoma?

    1. yes he was born with it in his left eye and its been giving him a bit of trouble since before Christmas so he's having treatment for it,xx Rachel

  3. We send POTP and big hugs to Speedy. Good luck with the treasure sale. Have a serene Sunday.
    Best wishes Molly

    1. Thanks Molly,Hugs given,have a lovely sunday too,xx Speedy's mum

  4. Gosh, I didn't know Speedy was having some problems either. Hugs Speedy.

    1. He has been for a while but with the drops and painkiller he's fine but it is price at 15 pounds a bottle every 4 weeks and his pain killer and then check ups at the vets,Hugs have been given,xx Speedy's mum

  5. Replies
    1. Me too,I wish I had a magic wand so I could put his right...but I don't so drops and pain killer keeps him happy,xxRachel

  6. We didn't know Speedy had glaucoma. We sure hope he feels better. Good luck with your treasure sale!

  7. Wes knows how bad glaucoma can bes! Our Hairy Slobbery sister Bob had to has her eye removed it was so bad. She had been in pain for a long time and because it happened so slowly, wes did not realize... . Wes would like to help! Can wes put a bid in on coin #2? It is the same year as Mommy's Daddy's birthday and he was born in Liverpool and will be 80 this year. We thinks he would gets a real thrill out of a sixpence that is the same age as him. Please email us and lets us knows how wes can order it!
    We is purraying furry hard for Speedy at our house!
    Nellie and Mommy

    1. Thanks Nellie and Mommy,I've sent the info to you,xx Speedy and mum

  8. I hope you can sell them all! That's a nice treasure!

    1. Thank you Texas,fingers crossed,xx Speedy's mum

  9. Poor Speedy, We hope you sell all your treasure :) We have an old sixpence hidden away somewhere.. Have a great day xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

    1. Thanks Mollie and Alfie,hope you have a great day too,xx Speedy's mum

  10. Replies
    1. Thanks Misaki,thats what we thought too,xx Speedy's mum

  11. Speedy! We are now following your blog! :) :) =^..^=

    And we wish you luck w/your surgery ... that must be rather painful for you. :( Hopefully you'll be feeling REALLY cheeky very soon!

    Your new furriends,
    Selina & MomKatt Laura

    1. Thanks for following ,we are following you too!Speedy won't be having surgey unless the medication stops working as its very risky for him,but thank you,and don't worry he is still cheeky,xx Speedy's mum

  12. Oh Speedy - you should go treasure hunting more often! Maybe you can find many more awesome treasures to sell.

  13. Rach, is there a link or something that I can just donate funds for speedy? Miss you all!

    1. oh that is so kind but I didn't mean for this as we all have stuff to pay for and Megan you have all your furbabies to look after,thank you both,The coins are collectable so we thought we could sell them and put the money raised towards his medication,we love you guys,xx Rachel and Speedy

  14. Aw, what a great idea. Speedy needs to go treasure hunting more often!! Also, just came across this adorable blog: We thought it was right up your ally. ;)


    Jules of Canines & Couture

    1. Thanks Jules,you're right it is ,following it now,xxRachel

  15. I'm so sorry to hear that Speedy has glaucoma! I really hope that he feels ok and isn't in pain.

    Thank you for stopping by with such a nice note about Simba.

    1. Thank you for visiting us too.and you're welcome.Speedy isn't in pain as long as he has his medication each day,so he is very much his cheeky self,xx Speedy's mum

  16. Aw, I'm sorry your eye is so painful, Speedy! I hope your treasure will help you get the things you need to feel better!!

    1. Thanks Remy,it dosen't hurt with my medication so it's good,xx Speedy

  17. Oh poor Speedy! We hope to hear better news soon. Sorry, but we're broke :-(

    1. thats ok ,we just manage his glaucoma with his meds,don't worry,xx Speedy's mum

  18. Oh speedy... So sorry to hear you have eye problem. I really hope you sell all your treasures. I have donate button on my blog to help momma buy me foodies. Momma sells fresh cows milk to add to her income so i can have yummy chickies and tuna nom. Life is challenging according to mom. But thank God we're okay. Please get well soon, dear speedy.

    1. Aww thanks Sushi,Mummy always make sure I'm ok and I have my meds so I'm ok,xx Speedy

  19. Cool Speedy...we didn't realize that you are UK bunny!

    I'm sorry you have the eye ouchies! Feel better soon.

    Nubbin wiggles,

    1. Hehehe...born and bred,its ok with my meds,thanks Oskar,xx Speedy

  20. NOES!!! I did not know sweet Speedy is having eye problems! ...wringing worried paws

    1. Its alright Savannah Speedy has his meds so he's his happy self.the coins are collectable and make nice gifts so we thought to we would sell them to help pay for the meds,xx Speedy's mum

  21. Oh no, we are so sorry to hear about this. Good luck, those are some great treasures.

    Piggy kisses,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

    1. He's OK but as his meds are bit pricy we thought we could raise some extra cash to help pay for the meds by selling his treasure and they are collectable too,xx Rachel

  22. Yow Miss Rachel me n Mum did not nose yer Speedy haz Glacoma..poor bunneh!! You are pawsum to sell yer treashures fer Speedy'z treetmint!!! Yer a FAB bunneh Mum!!
    How did da sale go??
    Purrleeze give Speedy snugglez frum me Mum n kissez frum me!
    Lub Nylablue n Sherri-Ellen xo

    1. Thanks Nylablue and Sherri-Ellen,the sale is on going,and I will pass snuggles on to Speedy,xx Rachel


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