Friday, 31 May 2013

Sweet blogging award given By Dogdaz

Last week Dogdaz Gave us this great award the Super Sweet Blogging Award,we already have this award but as we really appreciate being given these lovely Awards we wanted to do a post to say Thank you for being given it again so Thank You Dogdaz you are the best!

Also We have a new greeting card just for Father's Day if any one is interested it has been added to the Shop Product code: 0039 Price: £3.60
The first 4 cards in the Shop Product codes: 0001, 0002, 0003, 0004 can be reproduced as Father's Day cards too!


  1. Congratulations on your award Speedy. Have a fabulous Friday.
    Best wishes Molly

    1. Awww thanks Molly you hae a great week end!xx Speedy

  2. Congratulations on your Award (again). Tell your Mummy she is so clever Speedy. Have a great weekend xx

    1. Mummy Said thanks Bobby and me I say you're the best too!xx Speedy

  3. Congrats Sppedy! We think you are super sweet!

  4. Congratulations on your award, Speedy! We think you are super sweet too! :)

  5. I have been so worried about Rachel working too hard, and now I see that all along it has been Speedy who was really slaving away. I just didn't appreciate what a dreadful toll being cheeky could take on a little bunny. Someone get the smelling salts, quick!

    1. All Speedy does is Play Hard with me chasing after him to make sure he's good,And he just loves to flop down in the weirdest ways,xxRachel

    2. Rachel, please don't let RG bring you down to his level. He is such a bad influence. I know it can just sneak up on one, but we just can't use the "w" word when referring to my precious nephew. Let's just say that he loves to flop down in the "cutest" ways." It's nice to have a bunny keep you on you toes. Wish I had one. Thank you for telling, RG what's what, but please don't pick up his bad habits. Speedy has the sweetest, kindest, most patient Mum in the world, and I want it to stay that way. Love. AJ

    3. Speedy is not weird just I just wonder how comfy some of those positions so its weird as in un-usual that's all and Speedy has always done that and its a shame that I can't alway get a photo,xx Rachel

    4. A Mum has a right to worry, but there comes a time when she just has to trust her baby bunny. You don't always get a photo? Swoons, swoons again, and one more swoon. Speedy gets in cute positions that we don't get to see! In the background, " 911 my wife needs an ambulance! Quick!

    5. Hehehehe Jane!Wake Up Jane!silly Auntie Jane has done it again Speedy!

  6. What an adorable card! LOL Love it.


    Jules of Canines & Couture

  7. Congratulations on the award!
    The card is furry sweet too =^.^=


  8. That's a cool award, Speedy! Congrats!

  9. I love it as you already know!

    1. Thanks And,I love doing stuff like that,xx Rachel

  10. Speedy! We have the same award. How cool! =)

  11. Speedy, you can never have enough awards. And getting a sweet award twice is wonderpurr.

  12. Congratulations on that tasty looking new award, Speedy!

  13. well you ARE sweet so it is no surprise to me that you got that award! Congratulations!

  14. Congrats on your award Speedy!
    And love your father's day card. Shame I just bought my daddy and grampy their cards, otherwise would've got one.

  15. why I do think you have the hardest life ever Speedy...(snickers behind paws)

  16. BOL i love the card!

  17. We love the Daddy Card Speedy, just wonderful. Big congratulations on the award. Have a wonderful weekend xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  18. Haha, that card is great! Speedy cracks me up!


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