Thursday, 7 March 2013

Mummy has gotten confused!

Mummy has gotten confused! Some of you have given me some awards and we wanted to do a post about it but Mummy Can't find the right blog post's to who gave them,so if you have given one please can you let my Mummy know as she feels really bad about it,I just think she's been a bit silly....hehehe.....silly Mummy!

Don't forget to vote for me in the World Spay Day Pet Pageant by the Humane Society

And don't for get to see whats happening for my Bloggaversary on Saturday too!


  1. Oh, this happens all over the blogosphere all the time. I sent the peep out for a little notebook. I now keep track of these things, myself, in there. The peeps wasn't very good at it. I'm way better, I think. purrs

    1. Hehehe Mum is normally very good at these things,oh well never mind,xx Speedy

  2. Yep, is is sure easy to misplace those things, they're right slippery!

  3. It happens to us, we still have a few to give out (including the one you gave us!)

    PS. we LOVE the new blog look!


    1. Hehehe thanks glad you like it,and I'm sure you will get the awards sorted,xx Speedy

  4. BOL, Wez always doing that..We still have the one you gave us to put on the blog..Which one was it..BAWAAHHHAAAAAWA :) xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  5. Speedy, I love the new look. The pictures are so beautiful. I know I can count on you to help Mum feel better. Your post came at a very interesting time. It turns out my trusted courier misplaced your package. It was not mailed when I thought. It was mailed today! I made him look into your honest little bunny eyes, especially as featured in your picture at the far right. He confessed that he had been intimidated about sending an overseas package, but has learned alot and has conquered his fear, but he left out my note. What I am trying to say is much like what your other friends say - the peeps are just fallible peeps and they are lucky to have bunnies or bunny nephews to cheer them up. Please tell Mum how we goofed up and tell her to cheer up and not feel bad. Love, your Auntie Jane

    1. Awwww thanks Auntie Jane I shall tell mummy not to worry to much,anyway my bloggaversary is more important...Hehehe,xx Speedy

    2. A Bloggaversary! Yes, it is just too wonderful. It's a Big Day and Austin will be giving it full honors.

    3. Awww thanks Auntie Jane,big kisses xxx Speedy

  6. I love your new blog look, Speedster! Those photos are so YOU! Don't worry about Mum, she is still mentally basking in the Egyptian sun, poking her toes in the sand, and her spirit has not yet caught up to your hemisphere. But your dear Ole Auntie has expressly forbidden her from taking any more holidays this year, so eventually she will be 100% back in the UK.

    1. Hehehe I know what you mean Auntie Brandi,xx Speedy

  7. Oh Speedy, those awards can be so hard to keep up with sometimes! Especially for such a popular bunny such as yourself! I love the way your bloggy looks today :)

  8. Oh oh. This happens to us too!
    We LOVE your new blog look. Especially your new header. Mommy found your cute little nose irresistable!

  9. Hehe, we think we did but can't remember which!

    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig

  10. now you officially understand why my Mom hates those awards :)

    1. Mummy is normally very good with these things,xx Speedy

  11. Love your new look Speedy!
    Excited for you about tomorrow:-)

  12. Ooo - love the new look!

    I'm really terrible with awards too. Tell your Mum not to feel too badly about it. :)

    1. This is the first time this has happened and if I know mummy she won't let this happen again,but I'll tell her,xx Speedy

  13. Tee Hee! That used to happen here too! Then Mommy started to paste them in a unposted blog with who sent it and the picture of the award and when she was ready she would finish the post.

    1. I'll tell mummy about this,thanks Nellie,xx Speedy

  14. What are they like!!


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