
Sunday, 16 December 2012

Christmas Count down 16th December!

Today is 16th December so that's how many sleeps to go?OMG that's 9 sleeps to go how exciting is that!Any way here is today's entry to my Christmas count down surprize give away and it from our very good friend Brandi B from Voices for Rabbits
Wooden tree with Christmas Bunnies
Night light for her bunnies
See this kitty here?He was a bit naughty and knocked her proper tree down so Brandi had to use the wooden one in the top photo.
Its still not too late to enter so get you cameras out and send in your photo's of your christmas tree and decorations with your selves in if possible and send them to me at rachel dot dejong28 at googlemail dot com the last photo's will be posted on Christmas eve 24th December and the one I like the best will win a surprize gift after Christmas!How exciting is that?!

So I thought you would like to see more from our house too
Mummy made these from paper

This is made from holly leaves cut out of paper

This is our fibre optic tree in the kitchen


  1. Another great batch of photos Speedy! Hey, 9 more sleeps? I had that many yesterday!!!

    1. But Brian those were naps not sleeps....hehehe you're being cheeky just like me,xx Speedy

  2. That dang ole cat! He has been a terrible kitty today! He keeps getting into the bunny pen and "hugging" them and eating their greens and apples! I put a crock pot on and was putting in beans for chili and he kept getting on the counter trying to get all up in my business. He stuck his paws in the beans!!!!! HIS NASTY PAW!!!I am making chile de res con tres frijoles (great northern, black and pinto)y PATA DE GATO ESTUPIDO!!
    His name is Spider and I still love his goofy butt...

    1. hehehe....he has just got to put his nose into everything... curious creatures Cats....hehehe,xxSpeedy and Rachel

    2. What a treat to meet Spider. I don't really see the problem here. Do you Speedy? I hug bunnies. I do ask before a take any of the food the gracious little creatures have put out for guests. And, kitty toesies while not on a par with bunny toesies, are rather nice. I sure hope Spider doesn't speak Spanish and of course, it's too bad Brandi can't be a little nicer, especially at this time of the year, but her Christmas tree was very beautiful. What do you think, Speedy?

    3. Hehehe Auntie Jane she love's him,she just gets a little flustered cause he's a scamp and know what buttons to push to get a reaction,but she's not mean to him but when he's naughty she tell's him off like mummy does to me but not very often as I only like to be cheeky its more fun..hehehe,xx Speedy

  3. Hi there Speedy. We came over from that cute little pig, Cocco's place. We love all animals. We have a lot of cats and two miniature donkeys too. The donkeys don't come in the house. We will send you a picture of some of our Christmas. Hope you have a super Sunday.

    1. Thanks for stopping buy can't wait to post your Christmas photos,xx Speedy

  4. Lol... what a cute kitty! Too bad he was naughty... Maybe his cuteness will make up for his naughtiness!

    1. Lets hope so,but he is cute how can you stay mad at him?,xx Speedy and mum

  5. Cool! Me LOVES those trees!

    1. is that because they can withstand kitties?xx Speedy

  6. I like Spider the cat! He kinda looks like me. He sounds like a scamp. And Brandi was clever in using that wooden tree.

    All the decorations look very festive!

    1. Well he destroyed the normal tree after one day,you're right he is a scamp..hehe,xx Speedy and mum

  7. Hi Soeedy
    Mom and I hopped over from Coco's to say hi. You are adorable,
    Madi and mom

    1. Awww Thanks*Speedy shuffles shyly*Thanks for stopping by,xx Speedy

  8. Hi Speedy! I bounced over from Cocco's Bloggie to say 'Hi', and say you are one cute bunnie!! It's nice to meet you, and I thinks you are very adorable! Also, you have a very cool house to play in!


    1. Thanks Ruby and thank you for following me,xx Speedy

  9. Your Mom's very clever Speedy, it's all looking beautiful xx00xx

    Mollie and Alfie

  10. Such great pictures. You are very crafty!

    Oink oink,
    Katie and Coccolino the mini pig


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