Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Bunny Glaucoma

You can see in this photo the difference in the healthy eye and the Glaucoma eye
I was recently asked to do a post about Glaucoma in Rabbits and Speedy's Glaucoma so I thought this was a good time to do the post.
There is basically 2 type of Glaucoma in rabbits the first is the type that has an underling cause like cataracts that develop when a bunny gets old like in Speedy's old pal Weasley,this can be treated with drops to control some of the symptoms caused by the Glaucoma.
The second is genetic found to be more prone in white breeds of rabbit with the albino strain, the bunny develop the symptoms from  the age between 3 months and 6 months old as in Speedy's case we had him from 4 months old and he already had the symptoms,we just didn't realise it at the time what it was.His pupil in his left eye was enlarged and not reactive to light and fixed at a twisted angle facing forward and the whole eye was a bit bigger than the right eye but he seem to be able to see out of it so we let it go and just kept an eye on it.
Then in the summer after coming back from vacation we noticed that eye had developed a hazy appearance too,so we decided to take him to the vets after doing some research we suspected Glaucoma and that he was probably born with it.After taking Speedy to the vets it was confirmed it was Glaucoma and it was genetic.But the problem with this type drops do not work very well so we was advised to leave it alone as it was not causing Speedy any pain or problems.
The vet told us that the eye is full of fluid that is constantly draining away and replenishing to keep it healthy and when Glaucoma develops that doesn't happen properly so the eye becomes enlarged and becomes hazy after at time when the pressure builds up,In rabbits because their eyes are very stretchy they can take the pressure with out to much problem and cats eyes are the same but dogs eyes aren't as they are fibrous can can be quite painful which is why the eye is often removed in dogs.
So the prognosis is as long as Speedy does develop any infection or other problem they eye won't need to be removed,Speedy has already lost the vision in that eye but he isn't bothered by it and in my book that makes him a Super Hero!


  1. WOW Speedy, you are my super hero too pal. That was very informative!

    1. He never lets anything keep him down and always bounces back

  2. Bernie has cataract in both eyes and later, his right eye started to fill with blood (the lens "slipped") but the vet said to leave it alone as it did not seem to bother him. Not sure if he has glaucoma, though.
    Thanks for this informative post!

    1. its worth getting checked and its a simple test

  3. Crazy eye or no, he is still the hotdamnedest most adorable rex the Western world. And it certainly doesn't seem to keep him out of mischief or from coming to aid of his buddies across the pond. Make sure he gets plenty of rum. I hear that helps glaucoma bunnies. Not to see better or anything, just that they like rum.

    1. That they do plus a carrotini on the side too...heehee.xxRach

    2. BB, that's the pirate part of the condition

  4. awwww Speedy!!! :) :) :) !! He does seem to always be an optimistic person!!!

    1. Yes he is,and if you are having a bad day just take a look at Speedy and it all fades away!

  5. Thank you, Sir Speedy of Cheekiness's Mum. Bless you for taking such good care of Speedy and loving him the way you do. Thank you for this information. I had never heard of bunny glaucoma before you mentioned it and now I know something to look out for in bunnies I know. As always, I'll be saying prayers for your little boy.

    1. Than you,Speedy's secret pen pal,I know he love's when you stop by,Speedy's mum

  6. Speedy you are a awesome! You never let anything slow you down..glaucoma or cats are no match for super speedy :)

    1. Nah there's too much fun to be had...hehe.xxSpeedy

  7. Thanks for telling us about Glaucoma in rabbits! Because our hairy slobbery sister Bob has to have her eye removed, we was worried that might happent to Speedy tot.
    So cool that bunnie eyes is streachy!
    yous looks handsone as always!

  8. Ya know, I learn so much from buns (and animals in general) who aren't "whole"... They aren't defined like us hoomins define ourselves. They adapt quickly and still manage to live their lives to the fullest. All they need is someone to love them and give them a chance. It is incredibly humbling to watch. You go Speedy!

  9. Such a sweet boy Speedy. You have a pirate eye.

    1. Hehehe...Thats me!First Mate on the pirate Bunny Ship the Lagomorph!.love Auntie Shell xxSpeedy

  10. Speedy, you are the bravest most superest super bun ever! Thanks for posting this - good stuff to know. ; ) xo

    1. Awww guys you're going to make me blush.xx Speedy

  11. Oh Speedy... you're a hero in my book, too. You really, really are one special little bunny. Love ya! purrs

  12. Speedy, you are a super bun. And thank you for the information on bunny glaucoma.

    1. You're welcome,and you are right he is a super bun

  13. Speedy, your a real hero.What great information you have given us. We know a lot of white animals suffer from blindness, or deafness. It's just not fair.. Have a great day :) xx00xx
    Mollie and Alfie

    1. well it happens but life is what you make of it,me I like to party and have fun adventures...hehe.xxSpeedy


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