
Sunday, 2 September 2012

Mum has been busy to day!

Selection of small cards
Today mum has been busy,which is why I'm doing this post.She's been making Christmas cards!Mum has been doing this instead of playing with Me!But they are pretty I suppose,but its not even Christmas yet this is so confusing.Mum says's she has to make them now so she has enough when its time to send out.Seem like a lot of fuss to me.What do you think?

Selection of big cards


  1. I love getting Christmas cards, but I honestly do not remember the last time I sent any. Very happy and pretty cards, Rach. Speedy, you are supposed to nip her toes and nose bump her feet. The she HAS to play with you.

    1. Don't worry Speedy gets plenty of play time,and he needed a rest today what with the parties the buns have been getting up to

  2. Those are such pretty Christmas cards! Mommy has never been one to make cards...she'll end up with glue all over the place...and on herself. LOL!

    1. Thanks, got to be organized so that enough is made

  3. Those are very pretty! I need to get my tree up!

  4. Oh, I think they're very pretty. Your mom must be very talented. But once those cards are all done, it will be time for playing with you. Extra time for playing, I am sure. purrs

    1. Speedy gets play time every day,but he'll get extra tomorrow

  5. Speedy, your mum has made some lovely cards! I see lots of snuggles and extra special playtime in your future, sweet one. x ; )

  6. Lovely cards! Handmade stuff always makes occasions more special.

  7. love the cards Rach..very crafty! Speedy my dear enjoy your rest! Maddy is on the couch..laying down as usual haha.

    1. thanks,Speedy has been out all day to day as today is nice(monday)

  8. Those are incredibly beautiful cards! I am really looking forward to the holiday season. It was so much fun to see them. I missed the one with red-scarved Speedy. I admit he looks a little like he is muttering unkind things about his Dad into the scarf, but I am sure that would not be noticed by anyone who did not know all the history. It may have turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Is it possible that Speedy's hair might not be completely grown out again by Christmas? We didn't get all the details about his little trim. The day I worry about Speedy not getting enough play time is going to be a really good day, because it will mean that I have REALLY run out of things to worry about.

    1. Dad was very careful with the scissors so there's only a smal patch wear it is shorter,and I shall do a special photo for the Speedy card!

    2. Well, I am sure it looks very debonair on a cheeky little bunn.

  9. My what an early start - great work - there are going to be some happy recipients. I bet they will send back some Speedy Goodies too!

  10. ARRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!! Mom refuses to even LOOK at Christmas until poor Halloween and Thanksgiving get here! xoxoxo

    1. If I don't strat making them now I won't get them all done in time

  11. Wowwie Zowwie! Those is fabulishious cards! Your mommy has talent! Now me must crack the whip and get my Mommy ready to start doing mine!

    1. I think there may be some special ones done for Speedy's fav friends


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