
Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Two new stories from Lorna!

Lorna has written two new stories on her blog Fuzzy Creatures one about MickeyZen of Bun and Weasley Rabbits eat quilts coming to visit me for the Olympics and another about Hannah and Harrington fromThe Raspberry Rabbits  ,both are great Stories.So give them a read.
Tomorrow is 4th of July that Independence Day in the USA so I'm having a party to celebrate with my friends in the USA,See you all tomorrow!xoxo Speedy


  1. Awww Speedy, that is a cute cute cute picture of you. I wish you could come celebrate with us tomorrow. We could have BBQ and beer and get dangerous with some fireworks and just be rowdy. Y'all should have hotdogs for lunch tomorrow!

  2. Lorna writes the bestest stories! :)

  3. Speedy, your soft little mouf is just begging for a snorgle and kisses! Look at those cheeks! You are so precious! We'll be staying inside away from all the noise and drunks tonight! My bunnies don't seem to mind the noise. They're pretty relaxed bunns, but I know some animals are terrified of the big explosions. I have one dog who is going to go crazy when it starts up, so she gets to hide in the closet tonight. The bunns will just hang out with their legs all stretched out behind them and expect me to take care of whatever is causing all that ruckus! I love my bunns! I wish I could pick you up and just snuggle you to pieces, speedy!

    1. I knew you would like this one and I love snuggles*speedy sending snuggles*

  4. Speedy you are a silly bunny!! you live in the UK and are having a 4th of July party? You are too cute!! ((((hugs)))

    1. I got a secret to tell,Mum say's that I have a Granpa and a Granma and lots of cousin's in America so with all my friends on blogger its ok for me to celebrate with all of you as well

  5. Speedy looks very noble in this picture.


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