
Friday, 20 July 2012

Speedy's continued recovery and his afternoon outside

Hello everyone,Its Speedy here.Today mum let me go out side as it was dry and a little sunny.I was only aloud in the back garden were mum was working in the garden so I helped her break up all the stuff she cut back cause we've had so much wet weather that everything was over grown.It was nice to get out side cause mum has been keeping me in to keep my stitches dry.I have my last dose of antibiotics today which is horrible but I guess it keeps me well.Mum said she would do some new photo's tomorrow as it's going to be better than today.well I'm of to have a snooze now as I'm feel tired now see you tomorrow.xoxoSpeedy


  1. glad to hear you are feeling better

    (btw, did you know you have word verification on?)

  2. Such a good little garden bunny you are, Speedy!!! Come get these creeping vines off my bricks!! Kisses and snorgles!

  3. A gardner! Keep up the good work - and STAY SAFE!

  4. me is so happy that yous is doing much better! And that yous gots to go outside. Me hopes it warms up for the Olympics!

    1. weather is looking good for the Olympics paws crossed

  5. Speedy we hope with each day that you feel better and better!

    1. me too,I just want to have the blue threads out now


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