Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Happy 4th of July to our American friends!

Today is 4th of July,and America is celebrating Independence Day!So Speedy Had a party to celebrate with his friends in America,here's some photo's of what he got up to!

Speedy decorated his pen for the day!
Then Speedy had party games with his paper balls!
And then Speedy played hide and seek out in the garden!
Then it was dinner time so Speedy inspected his pen before eating his greens!


  1. What a great display--looks like you had all kinds of fun, Speedy!

  2. Speedy, you had more fun today that I did! I slept ALLL day to catch up on what I have been missing. You are a party animal, Speedy! Party On, Bro!

    1. Sleep is good,so this is for you,so you can sleep away know you can catch up on a party with me!

  3. I particularly like that idea you have of playing with those paper balls. Looks like lots of fun. I'll have to mention it to the peep... purrs

  4. You are a good loser Speedy! Thanks for helping us celebrate. You can be an honorary Yank!

    1. So kind of you Speedy, not to hold a grudge towards us Yanks for revolting against your King and Country. (I have a lady friend who told me I was revolting, but maybe she meant something else, you think?)

      I hope you enjoy the Olympics. Are you entered in the high hurdles? Or, as per your name, are you a sprinter?

    2. I'm a sprinter,super fast Speedy

  5. Happy 4th, Speedy! Looks like you had a super fun day!
    And guess what??? We gave you an award today!
    Katie & Glogirly

  6. Thanks katie,oh an award for me? oooh I'll be right over....I'm comming....

  7. Speedy, Thank you so much. We appreciate it. I've spent most of my life abroad and no one else from elsewhere has wished me well, not totally surprising, but thanks anyway.

  8. Oh Speedy, it looks like you had a wonderful day!

  9. You throw the best parties, Speedy! Wish we were closer! My bunns would enjoy throwing paper balls with you!

  10. no fireworks? we didn't have any here because of the burn ban =[

  11. Speedy you are such a sweet bunny to wish us in the U.S. a happy Independence day!! love how you decorated your pen!


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