
Saturday, 16 June 2012

What the heck is going on with the weather!

"Mum what the heck is going on with the weather?Where's the sunshine mum?"Mum replies"I know Speedy,Its called liquid sunshine"sighs mum "Huh mum whats that?"Mum then giggles and then says's with aplomb"Rain Speedy!"

Huh?Liquid sunshine?

Don't forget to enter Speedys Prize Draw!The closing date is Monday 11th July!


  1. 40 days of rain .. a disaster in the bible, but summer in England.. :)

  2. Just have some hot tea with your mum, Speedy, and enjoy the weather from the coziness of home.

  3. it is so hot here in Michigan that I wouldn't mind some "liquid sunshine"

  4. "Liquid sunshine." I will remember that the next time I get caught out in a shower without my umbrella and sing "I'm walking in sunshine."


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