
Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Speedy and dinner...nom...nom

Speedy had a wonderful day today as the weather was lovely and warm and sunny .So mum and dad said to Speedy "make the most of this weather today Speedy as its not going to last more is due tomorrow so you might as well play out side all day today".And so he did ,then mum came out to join him in the garden as some of the bushes were over hanging the path and she wanted to trim them back a bit.So Speedy decided to help by bitting all the bottom bits for mum.After mum and dad had their dinner they brought in Speedy and took him up to his pen and now he was so hungry he wanted dinner!Nom....nom....nom....nom!



  1. Speedy you are such a good little helper! Helping to trim the bushes like that! Look how cute you are "noming" away!

    1. Thanks Caren and Cody but its hard work gardening but Mum gave a lovely plate of my favorite greens

  2. Speedy, I must say..I LOVE YOUR NOSE!

  3. Hello, Speedy. You have been a great help to your mum and dad today. You certainly deserved all that great dinner you had. My buns and cats all agree that you are an excellent worker.

    1. Thank you for comming to visit Bunnits,yes it was a lot of hard work helping mum but she made it good fun!

  4. Yay, Speedy!!! Looks sooooooo delicious! ON NOM NOM NOM!!!! Happy eats, sweetling!
    : ) x


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