Speedy had lots fun with his new toys paper snowballs!As we had a wet and windy day

Sunday, 29 April 2012
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ReplyDeleteBunny Hugs,
Bunny Boy
That is quite the clever bunny toy! Lots of fun for the rabbit -- hopefully fairly easy to clean up for the human. :D
ReplyDeleteWhat a clever boots your Mummy is, Speedy!
Looks like all kinds of fun to be had at the house of Speedy--nothing like a bunch of paper balls to nibble and toss!
ReplyDeleteSpeedy I'll play with you! i tried making those once for Cody and he wanted nothing to do with them! lol
ReplyDeleteWell THOSE ought to keep a bunny thinking and chewing and kicking and snooping!
ReplyDeleteGreat Idea! I will do the same thing and play with my bunns! Woowhooo! Have fun SpeedyBunny! :)
ReplyDeletePerfect playthings for a bun. Mine love scrunched up paper. Good job Speedy!
ReplyDeleteTeeeeheeee!!!! NICE!! I did this with Twinkle on a rainy day a few weeks back and she absolutely loved it! She went crazy-binkies in the midst of it, too! Go Speedy, GO!!! :D