Tuesday, 19 September 2017

Its Time To Party!Arrgh Mates Gather round!

Come Gather round all ye scurvy sea dog and and all manner of scoundrels its Time for Me Party so let me introduce ye all to me Pirate Mates!New Pirates will be add over thee next couple of days till 22nd September at Mid night UK time So ye St be 'aving time to join thee rest of us and Party!And remember the best Dressed pirate will win me treasure!And don't forget to hop over to me Facebook Party too!

First we 'ave me Canadian Kitty mates.... Kali
and Shoko...
Then we 'ave our southern Gals....Dezi
and Raena...
Then we 'ave Hailey...
And Zaphod....
Then there be Teddy...
Then there be Da Pheny...
Then there be Tails around the ranch...
Then there be Marvelous......
And 'is crew...
And then we 'ave Madi
And now there be The Real Cats Crew...
Then We 'ave Captain Felix Grey...
and Captain Q Tip...
Then there be Pirates Lucky and Mandi...
Then we 'ave thee crew from ATCAD...Pirate Yang
 Pirates Tuiren and Chimera...
 And Pirates Scylla,Fenris and Yin searching for thee treasure...
Then we 'ave Pirate Siddhartha Henry...
And we 'ave Pirate Bryce...
'ere be Pirate Zoey and Captain Dougie....
Tis Captains Murphy and Stanley to join thee fun!
Captains Cody and Dakota have join thee fun!

Thee Crew from The Cat on My Head has Arrived for thee Gathering with Captains Cooper Murphy and Mauricio in their full regalia!

Now We 'ave thee Ghetto Pirate girl her self Cap't La Tessa Rose...
Arrrgh its a blast from thee past Miss Captain Angel Nylablue!
Tis time for another Bun Captain....Tis Bun Captain Finn..
And now Tis time for Captain Hunter thee Brave!
This 'ere be Sir Jack Swashbuckler Barkaneer and Captain Pipo Fang from thee Meezer's Mews & Freckle's Woofs Crew

Tis the Lone Star Cats crew for Thee late arrivals....

And 'ere we 'ave Cap'n Kinley and... First mate Brinley!

Now then me Hearties lets Join Felix Gray for thee Hula!

Now for some Pirate music...

Now tis time thee grog to quench ye thirst and to partake in thee grub to satify thee hunger in ye bellies!

For thee Meaties out there!

                                  And for The Veggies...


  1. Dear Mr Speedy,
    What a wonderful pawty! Queen Penelope was right! You are the bestest Bunny EVER!!! I, Marvelous, er - 2nd Mate Fishbait Magee, am having a most wonderful time as are my siblings Kozmo (Old Sea Legs Yeager) Jo Jo (Frog Lady Cassandra) and Cinnamon (Racy Lacey Grog Master). Queen Penelope says she will stop by for kisses, cuddles and dancing in your dreams!
    2nd Mate Fishbait Magee (Marv)

  2. How did we miss this! Aaarrgh! Awesome paw-ty matey! [take our bountybooty pic from our bloggie if you want ...]

  3. woah captain speedy that is THE pirate pawty of the year... all that fabulous food and this eggs-otic drinks... I will try to drink a glass of every barrel&bottle...are ya sure that bony guy behind the wheel knows the way to my crib?

  4. Hiccup - what a great - hiccup - party. Lots of great - hiccup - treats!

  5. Quick, get some sunflower seeds or those parrots will starve.

  6. Great party matey!!! We just posted on your facebook page and our posts are on both blogs!! Love ya matey! catchatwithcarenandcody and


  7. WOO HOO!!!!! What a pawsum pawty!! Wee all look marveeluss don't wee Captain Speedy??? Mee had trubbull gettin a costume together so mee did mee best!!!! Mee iss a fishy Pie-rat, mew mew mew....
    Mee-you so much food an a drop of 'nip wine iss wunderfull....Now let'ss make sumone walk thee plank! Did you see on FB that Angel Nylablue stopped bye?? Shee nevurr missed a Pie-rat Pawty....
    AARRGGGHHH matey mee bee happy!
    Pie-rat Purrince Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=

  8. Speedy my matey...what a fine pirate party and arrgggg the food is fabulous. Fair winds and clear sailing
    Bar Maiden Madi

  9. Speedy ye have da bestest of best pawty ever and we got buzy with our new digs and the Dad forget to send our ship to ya. That said our bellies are full and we partied with all our pals
    Yarr Harr Harr and a Nip Nanner
    Terrible Tim and Crew

  10. speedy...dood.....best pie ratz day partee ever !!!!! look how feerce everee one lookz......we haza hard time pickin a fave ...
    happee pie rats day dood....de shark watermelon iz two kewl !!!☺☺

  11. Great fun for all the pirates, Speedy. We forgot about this special day:( We think all the entries were great and deserve a great big round of applaws:)
    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  12. Speedy, this looks like enough grub and grog for a week, and we intend to stay until it is all gone. Is that okay? Mom just sent you some photos of us. Sorry we didn't get them done sooner. Thanks for another GREAT party. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

  13. You always have the best parties. Love all the mighty fine looking pirates.
    Sue B

  14. AArgghhh it's the best party ever. Good job matey S.

  15. Arrrgh! This be a fin party, Cap'n Speedy! Yo ho ho and a bottle o' catnip rum!

  16. Ahoy, Speedy! Shiver me timbers, this is a pirate party that deserves all the buried treasure!

  17. Shoko...is very Scary we are going to hide from Shoko and enjoy this delicious feast you prepared for us. This party rocks, thanks for hosting Speedy.

  18. Speedy this was the most SPEEDTACULAR pawty EVER! I knew you'd go all out and just look at all the pirates in attendance. Thanks for hosting this totally FUN day.

    Love, Teddy

  19. YIKES! These are some wickedly scary (but soooo cute) pirates mi capt'n!

  20. Awww thank you for adding us in !! We love you!!! Great pawty and thanks for all of your hard work with this event! xoxo catchatwithcarenandcody

  21. Oh Speedy what an AMAZING party!!!!! So many great photos and pics!!
    Lots of licks, your good friend Morrie :)

  22. Oh my gosh, that's a wild pirate party!

  23. You look great as a pirate !!


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